North America FT: Series 1-5; LF WAs & Series 5

Added some WA duplicates. Atm, I’m only trading my WA cards for WA cards. The other duplicates I have can be for any series 🙂
Hi! This might be our lucky day! I'm hoping you're willing to do the following trade:

my 17 Ursala, 25 Plucky, and 34 Boots for your 20 Billy, 27 Claude, and 32 Admiral?

Hi! This might be our lucky day! I'm hoping you're willing to do the following trade:

my 17 Ursala, 25 Plucky, and 34 Boots for your 20 Billy, 27 Claude, and 32 Admiral?

Hi! That sounds good! 🙂 I’lll send you a dm!