Cycling Fuchsia is moving! LF: Stinky

Ohemgee, Zucker <3.
I have Stinky in my town and would love to give him to you for Zucker.
But I see you are already trading for Francine.
I will lurk and hope I get zucker *_*
D: please can I have peanut? >.< or is she for trade only? :( I don't have any of your dreamies sorry so I can't really trade you for her
Zucker is moving out! :D
I'm looking to trade him from my cycle town (Pancakes) for a villager into my main town (Crackers). :)

I'd like to trade him for Ankha, if possible!
:( I was hoping to get a dream villager for him. :( I'd like Ankha, but I'm still looking for coco too. :)
Are there any villagers that I have that you'd like for Zucker? Except my dreamies? I'd love Zucker! D:
Are there any villagers that I have that you'd like for Zucker? Except my dreamies? I'd love Zucker! D:

:( sadly, no.

He's not in boxes yet, so I might ask him to stay if no one is interested in trading right now. :) There have been a lot of zuckers the past few days! He's all over the place! :D
Melba has informed me she's moving. :) While I'm always eager to trade, I'm open to giving her to someone who has her as a dream villager!

She's not in boxes, but I can TT!
Melba has informed me she's moving. :) While I'm always eager to trade, I'm open to giving her to someone who has her as a dream villager!

She's not in boxes, but I can TT!
Melba is a dreamie of mine. ;v; Is she still available to adopt..?
yes! :) she's still available. she's not yet in boxes, but if you have space, I can TT for you. :)
sure. :) give me a minute to time travel and stuff. please add my cycling town FC: 4527-7171-1791 (Pancakes)
I have an appointment I need to get to, and I don't mean to rush you but are you ready for me? ;v; Really sorry..
I have an appointment I need to get to, and I don't mean to rush you but are you ready for me? ;v; Really sorry..

:( Sorry, I went to the day I thought she was going to be in boxes, but she wasn't. So I'm going one day at a time forward so she doesn't move out. D: Will you be back later? I'll keep her around for you all day. :)
I have to get to an appointment now. So yes I will be back in about an hour or two. Thank you! Ttyl