Princess Weeb
What's 1,000 minus 7?
I love pekoe the bear
She's so sweet <3
But I will literally be overrun with peppy villagers soon whoops
She's so sweet <3
But I will literally be overrun with peppy villagers soon whoops
aw xD i was overrun by smugs before haha.
ugh why did i choose jules dassin for my essay. dfhgjdfg
because professors love to pester us. idk. Gah
yeah. and they are like yeah we gotta criticize you but you passed so whatevs, or soemthing
lol ours aren't that bad but I kinda think they dont give a damn pretty much all the time, all about the $$$
i go to uni so.. ugh i have a few nice but some are just.. no D:
Also gotta love some villagers' japanese names..
yeah love that marshal's jap name is Jun, an old nickname of mine
lol yea.. ugh this page. fwah need to write it before i go though
xD yeah those duuuurs
i will then, like, go sleep or something.