Galaxy = AWESOME


TBT Old Timer
Retired Staff
Jul 31, 2005
Gingerbread House
Cosmic Radioactive Orbiting Spectral #20
Yellow Heart Balloon
Purple Heart Balloon
Gastly Halloweaster Egg
Gastly Halloweaster Egg
By far the best game I've played in a while. Better than any Wii game I've played, no doubt. You NEED to play this ASAP.
It should get game of the year. Not saying it's going to, but it deserves it.
seems fun, but I'm not gonna pay $50 for a single player game, just doesn't seem like a smart idea to me. Multi-player games last forever, but with stuff like galaxy, it'll only last so long, then off it goes onto the shelf, collecting dust.
Well I like galaxy and the coop could be fun sometime, especially with a date or something, and you want to get them involved in games, you can give them something easy to do or let them take the main controls while you help and point things out for them... I think it would work anyway


Any way just got the game, got all the stars in the first are and that is all I wanted to do for the time... I have a paper to write due Thursday so working on that now, although taking a short break for internet...

Anyway it seems like a great game so far. Although a warning, EXTREMELY CUTE! I like it though, awww it is as cut as a kitten.

15 stars in, loving it.

*back to playing*

Oh and I got the pre-order coin without pre-ordering it, the store had extras.

DarthGohan1 said:
I finally hit some slightly tougher planets.

It finally got more difficult when I got to the space plant battle. I like a challenge.

Here's my thoughts about the game:

The game is very easy. It doesn't take long for me to get each star. I love the orchestrated music with songs from SMB3 as well as many other games, which makes a good trip down memory lane. The Galaxies are very expansive and a blast to play. Using all the space platforms really add to the fun factor. Glad there are secret galaxies you can get, which you can use the Wii remote to play, which add to the replay value. The space junk galaxy is my favorite so far and I liked the secret galaxy where you can race. The bee suit is a great thing to use and I enjoy going higher using it. I look forward to the future suits. The Wii controls work well with the shaking the remote to do functions. The graphics are suberb and the best I think for a Wii game.
TheGremp said:
seems fun, but I'm not gonna pay $50 for a single player game, just doesn't seem like a smart idea to me. Multi-player games last forever, but with stuff like galaxy, it'll only last so long, then off it goes onto the shelf, collecting dust.
yes, so don't get resident evil 4, metroid prime 3, bioshock, Almost any zelda game....

want me to go on?
TheGremp said:
seems fun, but I'm not gonna pay $50 for a single player game, just doesn't seem like a smart idea to me. Multi-player games last forever, but with stuff like galaxy, it'll only last so long, then off it goes onto the shelf, collecting dust.
yes, so don't get resident evil 4, metroid prime 3, bioshock, Almost any zelda game....

want me to go on?
I never said that I would never get a single player game, I just wouldn't buy it full price. Anyways, I don't like any of those except Legend of Zelda.

for single player games, I usually dont bother buying them when they first come out, I wait maybe even a few years, since I'm not a huge fan of any single player series anyways.

If I have a game that's fun, I play it a lot, and I fly through most games without breaking a sweat, and I hear Galaxy is really easy on top of that. So I don't want to spend $50 for a week of Galaxy.
Multiplayer sucks, it always has sucked, and it always will suck. If you really think that a singleplayer game isn't worth full price then you're a dolt. In pure honesty I have never, NEVER, N E V E R had a multiplayer experience worth buying a game for, the only games that ever come vaguely close to buying only for multiplayer are SSBM or Halo 3.
Yeah, I'm sorry, but multiplayer games ... generally suck. All the "value" you hear about isn't really there. Sure, it's "fun" ... but... yeah. Not getting Galaxy -- or any other singleplayer game -- just because it's singleplayer is, well... not smart.

Where did you hear that Galaxy is easy, by the way? Sure, getting 60 stars is, but all 120? Definitely a challenge.
The only multiplayer game that has withstood the test of time for me is SSBM and Starcraft actually, although with starcraft though I still like playing against others, most still online are way too hard core by now....

Anyway This appears to be a game like Super mario 64 and if it follows the same track it starts out easy but gets harder


Anyone know how long it should take to beat?
Sporge27 said:
The only multiplayer game that has withstood the test of time for me is SSBM and Starcraft actually, although with starcraft though I still like playing against others, most still online are way too hard core by now....

Anyway This appears to be a game like Super mario 64 and if it follows the same track it starts out easy but gets harder


Anyone know how long it should take to beat?
proably 15 hrs for 60, 40 for all stars
you're kidding me, right? You think multiplayer games suck? That's rich.

multiplayer games are as fun as it gets, sitting alone in a room playing a game is pretty boring. Playing with a bunch of friends is fun, because you aren't just playing a computer that does the same thing over and over again.

And there's a certain kind of fun that you get when you play a game with friends, being with someone else when you play games > playing alone.
You guys need to remember what an opinion is and insulting someone over it is a joke.
stormcommander said:
You guys need to remember what an opinion is and insulting someone over it is a joke.
sometimes people's opinions suck.
(ie, halo 3 is the best game ever, guitar hero 3 is the worst game ever, single player games suck)
stormcommander said:
You guys need to remember what an opinion is and insulting someone over it is a joke.
sometimes people's opinions suck.
(ie, halo 3 is the best game ever, guitar hero 3 is the worst game ever, single player games suck)
In your opinion...