Game of Thrones 👑 Final Season🐉Nowy Tends

Ok. I promise to put all spoiler predictions in a tab!!!!

1. I?m a HUGE GoT fan. I finally got my mom to watch it so we spent the last 3 weeks going through the entire series again.
2. I read the books. Yes, season one is almost word for word of the first book. But after that, things change, certain things get moved around and some characters get combined. That being said, the books are great, just take them as a separate entity!
3. Onto the real stuff ;)

Super excited about season 8!!!! Arya is my FAV character of all!!! Other favs are Tyrion (of course), Varys, Tormund, Sam, Dany, The Hound, Brienne, Bron, Lady Olenna (rip), Jaqen H?ghar, Lyanna Mormont and of course my sun and stars, Khal Drogo!

Fav all time scenes: 1. Arya & The Hound reaching the Vale and finding out her aunt has died and Arya bursting out laughing. 2. How Hodor got his name. 3. Tell Cersei. I want her to know it was me. 4. Margaery?s realization of what?s about to happen in the sept. 5. Arya in the last ep of season 6 and the first ep of season 7. 6. Ice Viserion. 7. Littlefinger/Sansa/Arya u know the scene. 8. Dany saves the boys from the dead. 9. Arya/Nymeria scene. 10. Dracarys (with the unsullied master) 11. Drogo gives Viserys his crown. 12. ALL the Tyrion/Varys scenes.

Ok here are my predictions. Yes, I know some have about as much possibility as littlefinger giving a straight answer.
1. Bran will Warg into Ice Viserion and control him to bring him down so Jon can destroy the Night King
2. Danearys will of course become pregnant with Jon?s baby
3. Gendry/Arya PLEASE
4. Jaime will kill Cersei
5. Cersei really is pregnant but it?s by Qyburn?s experiment and the baby belongs to the mountain (prob not, but it?s a definite possibility)
6. Dany and Jon will rule the 7 kingdoms together (plzzzzzz)
7. Sam is the author of the song of ice and fire
8. Sansa will be warden of the north and marry podrick (wishful thinking cuz he?s such a sweet guy)
9. Littlefinger is really alive and had a faceless man take his place.
10. Tyrion finds real love and then everyone dies. lol! Come on GRRM will probably kill everyone.
you know what I don't care who gets the throne just PLEASE let Arya and Gendry be a thing.


my ship is sailing!!!!! I feel so alive!!!!!! and Brienne is a knight too!;.; someone's dying next week. We're not allowed this much happiness.
Next week is going to be absolutely heartbreaking. I'm not ready for the pain that is coming. Winter is here.
My husband and I were talking about how literally everyone seemed to be throwing up death flags (achieving goals, making plans, etc). We're expecting a lot of deaths next week. Sadly, no one is ever safe.
Going off of the fact that there are only 6 episodes to finish up the entire plot of Game of Thrones and the episode after this grand battle will most likely be recovering/making the next plan/etc., I predict the following possibly outcomes (not going to predict who is going to die because I am absolutely uncertain about that):

- The Night King is defeated killing the entire army of the dead and exterminating the entire White Walker race (since the White Walkers and their minions were all transformed by the Night King at some point).

- Army of the Dead at Winterfell is defeated, but the Night King turns out to be somewhere else/has another plan that shocks the entire world of Game of Thrones (For example: the Night King goes straight to King's Landing instead of with his army [since he can fly now], kills the entire Golden Company and all civilians/soldiers in King's Landing, creates a new army of the dead through all those he killed, and Cersei becomes something downright sinister making the battle for the Iron Throne just that much more serious & challenging for the side of the living).

What are everyone's thoughts on these possible outcomes? :)
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What a tense episode. Beyond sad my dude Jorah died. I knew he was toast from the get-go, but I was hoping he'd survive the series. Still, he went out the best way possible. Glad Tyrion is still alive and kicking. His interactions with Sansa were great. Will post more tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing how the last three episodes unfold.
8x3 spoils

oh my god my heart hurts so much. i knew jorah would die but i wasn't ready for it to happen so soon

but i'm only okay because he died defending dany. i would never have been okay with any other death for him. i was almost livid in the first scene when jorah hadn't returned yet from the dothraki bloodbath.

before the season premiere i predicted five characters deaths: jorah, the mountain, cersei, euron, sansa

that was my attempt to put my list in order

arya killing the night king was something i wasn't expecting. i had really expected it to be bran. i mean it seems almost nearly blasphemous to the hodor arc for bran to not be the one that saves everyone???