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GameStop is such a liar! :(

MD Fey

Feybulously Feytastic!
Apr 19, 2015
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So I went to my local GameStop to pick up my pre-order this morning and I didn't get my poster >_>
I asked the cashier if I would get a poster since I pre-ordered the game. She said they didn't send her anything extra to hand out except for the games and the amiibo cards. Are you serious? D: I was so excited for the poster >_> #IwannaburndownGameStop
Anyone else had this same problem like me? The people who did get their poster, can you take a picture and show me how it looks? xD I'm curious xD
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I am pretty sure that they would have to have sorted you out a poster if you had your pre-order receipt.
Dude I FORGOT to ask about the poster, which is kinda really annoying me rn, but for some reason, GameStop didn't even have my order in their system. And even when I showed the guy working the confirmation email I got, he was all ~hmm~ But whatever. I got the game and 2 amiibo card packs, which is great considering he said they only received 10 packs.
its ridiculous that they have so few packs when they basically force you to buy tons of them..
bummer about the poster!
Oh my god, I completely forgot to ask about the poster, lmao.

I guess it's for the best. I still have all my other posters in their rolls, I haven't hung a single one yet.
I only bought amiibo cards (I don't have a 3DS). Ended up buying 14 packs of amiibo cards. EB Games clerk offered me the poster. I happily agreed to take it.
its ridiculous that they have so few packs when they basically force you to buy tons of them..
bummer about the poster!

right? i'm not sure how the psychology of this works. make less so people want them more? haha
Yea I never got a poster which sucks because it was my main reason for getting from GameStop otherwise I would have gotten from Costco for 42.99 anyhoo I just thought I forgot to get it in the mist of everything going on last night and the release of nba 2k and I was in a really ghetto area I just wanted to get in and get out lol just got off work train moving slow I just wanted my game, but I just called not too long ago and asked them about the posters and they have no idea what I'm talking about 0.0

My friend works at a GameStop and I gave him a call he said his store didn't have any but he will check if they are getting some coming in I doubt it if they don't have them by now what's the point lol

Really bummed about it :/

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I'm going to check out another GameStop and see if they have any but I doubt it smh this is disappointing
I haven't gotten my poster either! The guy at EB Games said he'd call when they came in. I hope The delay is just due to the slow shipment. It's so cute ;_____;
If you really want the poster that bad, all you have to do is bring in the advert where it shows you recieve one with a preorder, proof of your preorder, and the manager will have to sort something out. Otherwise it's false advertisement, which isn't exactly good ><

But that's only if you care that much !
I totally forgot about the poster omg

We probably forgot because there was no poster and they didn't offer lol GameStop is usually very generous to give those posters away if they have them

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If you really want the poster that bad, all you have to do is bring in the advert where it shows you recieve one with a preorder, proof of your preorder, and the manager will have to sort something out. Otherwise it's false advertisement, which isn't exactly good ><

But that's only if you care that much !

Yea but I think the issue here is that the stores just don't have them at all :/ it does say online while "supplies last" or something like that maybe they just didn't have enough to ship to other stores
I got the poster from EBGames. I got to the car and didn't see I had it had to go back and get it guy wanted me to come back later in the day.. but I already drive 20 minutes just to get there. I'll take a picture in a minute, its small.

The amiibo packs made me mad.. They only got one box and let a guy buy all them even though he didn't buy the game, admitted to going to sell them on ebay. So I had to drive the other way off to Walmart where they have a limit of 3.
Slow shipment :/ Amazon too. So I cancelled my order from Amazon and bought the digital copy instead!
I got the poster from EBGames. I got to the car and didn't see I had it had to go back and get it guy wanted me to come back later in the day.. but I already drive 20 minutes just to get there. I'll take a picture in a minute, its small.

The amiibo packs made me mad.. They only got one box and let a guy buy all them even though he didn't buy the game, admitted to going to sell them on ebay. So I had to drive the other way off to Walmart where they have a limit of 3.

Ugh that's not fair my GameStop told me they only had 8 packs of card and I bought 1 so that makes 7 I'll be trading not a game at a different 1 on my way to work might be able to buy 2 more of this GameStop has any
I was waiting for best buy to open so I can reserve a copy of the New 3DS HHD bundle but they didn't even get the shipment in :/
I just ordered on Amazon and hopefully it'll arrive on Monday but I got 2 packs of amiibo cards from ebgames since they had that but not the New 3DS bundle.
Okay here we go.

I have to go in and get my poster. EB Games said it wasn't in there system but it was supposed to be delivered today. Got a call at 11 am I just need to go back in and get it :D I got 8 packs of cards.
They didn't have the poster when I went this morning.The employee even called nearby Gamestops to make sure if they had theirs.. which they didn't. However, they did ask for my phone number and called me 10 minutes later when the UPS guy came in with them! :D

I had to ask about the poster in the beginning though, because the employee didn't know about it. ;_;
LOL. How comes some people forgot to ask for the poster xD When I was on my way to GameStop, all I thought in my head was "poster, poster, poster" xD
It looks like many people had the same problem. GameStop is kinda cheap this time cuz they don't provide enough posters for everyone :<
And the amiibo cards were lacking too; but I got 3 packs, which is enough for me xD

Woah nice one... I expected it to be a little bigger but still much better than nothing xD And the design seems to be a little different from the one they have on their website.