Gaming in public

Oh, it was definitely chill. Could cone to work in pajamas, very convenient job for students. It was a phone captioning service for people that are deaf/hard of hearing, and I’d usually read, do homework, or play games during down time.
Last year, I used to bring my gaming stuff to school, but then I stopped since I felt uncomfortable at times-
I bring my 3DS or Switch to work and play when I'm on my breaks. When I'm working, it's locked up tight. Otherwise I don't take my consoles anywhere.
I once brought my 3ds with me to the airport when I was younger, but that's the only time I ever brought it out in public and played. I always play my games at home and probably the only other time I bring it somewhere is when I go to my grandpa's house when I go on my yearly vacation with my family. :)
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I bring it just about everywhere, personally. You never know when your errands will leave you with time to kill, so it's all the more better to spend it doing something fun!
I only do it sometimes. If I know that I'll be on a long trip, I'll bring my 3ds. If the trip is short, I don't bring it. Back when I was in high school, I would bring my 3ds almost every day during my commute. In places where I just relax, I do it rarely because I want to take in the scenery around me. As for the Switch, I don't bring it with me often. In fact, I sometimes fear that someone will just steal it from me. Whether what people feel when they look at my system I just don't care. I see too many phones around me anyways.
I play in front of anyone, it doesnt matter to me but it does make me feel a little silly. If I take it with me when I go out, its mostly to track pedometer points.
I used to when I was little but I stopped gaming in public and kept my interest of gaming to myself when I hit middle school. That was when everyone thought it was too geeky and tormented gamers >_>
I mean I don't give af nowadays but I just listen to music in public. I don't go out much anyways so...

u know these threads with a clickbait title got old like 2 years ago right
I know this post is old but I see no clickbait title :confused:
I used to play my DS in public a lot when I was young. I didn't get my first 3DS XL until I was 13, and at that point it just felt awkward to play it in public. I saw other kids my age playing theirs at lunch in school, but I was always fine waiting until I got home. I'm in college now, and I don't even bring my New 3DS XL with me when I leave home on the weekends. I just don't have any time to sit down and have a proper gaming session. I can only manage my obsession with Pocket Camp because it's an app and I have my phone with me everywhere anyway.
personally, nah not really. I don't have the time.
however, i work as a page at my local library and sometimes when i go on my break, i see this 30-something reference librarian playing his new 2ds xl. i'd love to strike up a convo about it but i'm shy so probs not gonna happen. either way he is cool and an example of who i aspire to be in life lmao
when I was a child once I took my gameboy color to the laundry mat. i regretted it. I had these kids my age hovering me and trying to touch my gbc. no no no I didn't bring it for this. I just wanted to kill time playing pokemon while my parents did the laundry. I've taken out my switch out twice (bus and the same laundry mat) but yea I'm really not the person who would do this in fear of losing or getting it stolen. that always frightens me.