Selling Garage sale

  1. TBT Bells
hi I’d like to buy the:

beach ball (multicolor)
Cute sofa (white)
Elephant slide (white)
Yellow rose rug
Hello! Can I order the following items:
-fireplace (dark brown)
-Harmonious wall
-Imperial bed (brown)
-Imperial low table (brown)
-Imperial partition (brown)
-Mama bear (cream)
-Mama panda

7 tbts right?
Hello! Can I order the following items:
-fireplace (dark brown)
-Harmonious wall
-Imperial bed (brown)
-Imperial low table (brown)
-Imperial partition (brown)
-Mama bear (cream)
-Mama panda

7 tbts right?

Sure thing! Yep! That is correct. I’ll start ordering them for you right now and will DM you once I got everything. :)