Garden Events - Who Shares?

Do you share during garden events?

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Senior Member
Jul 23, 2017
Holiday Candy Cane 2017
Red Lily
Yellow Lily
White Lily
Cool Feather
The Bell Tree Fair 2017 Patch
Pear (Fruit)
So after getting back into the game and joining the anni and this Toy Day garden events, I noticed a large lack of people sharing the captured creatures with me, despite me having plenty of flowers open and me sharing with my friends. I know I might sound salty about it - and maybe I am a little - but I do understand why some pople won't share.

Sharing is a great way to get the rarer seeds fast, as well as a good way to stock up on friend powder. It can also be a useful way of completing the garden events a bit faster if you have someone to share with. But I also see the downside - having to place creatures one at a time is time consuming and there are other ways to obtain the rarer seeds. Plus it can be annoyin to share with people when you don't get anything back (I am kinda).

So I was wondering - who shares during the garden events and who doesn't?
And - if anyone wants, want to be a share buddy so we can swap creatures and complete the event faster? (It would be helpful, given the rates for this Toy Day one seem awful. 5/20 flowers spawned hats on my last crop. And I only suceeded in catching 2 of those. Ugh.)
BUT yes, I'm interested in people's thoughts of the uses of the sharing mechanic during the garden events! What do you think?
Yes, I ALWAYS share! Haha.

It helps me finish the event super quickly; I actually completed the first part of the Toy Day event in a little over 1 day because I pick out a friend to spam share with (shoutout to Ryumia!). If someone else besides that friend shares with me, I make sure to share back as a courtesy. Personally, it’s a bit rude not to.

You don’t have to place creatures one at a time by the way. Just like with multi-plant and multi-water, you can multi-share creatures; the only extra step is switching out the type of creature to multi-share with.

Also, if you still need help, I can definitely give you some creatures! My PC ID is 5153-7555-992, and the name is Rena! (Just like for my ACNL mayor)
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Well it seems to be working for me, I share and they share back. Though I’m not a fan of this event, constantly planting and harvesting is getting annoying. This event could be a great way to weed out people who aren’t helpful to you.
My problem with sharing is that sometimes plant my flowers at odd times, and whenever I try to share back, everyone who shares with me doesn't habe any flowers in bloom that I can share my hats to. I could always hold them, yes, but I'm a very forgetful person. I try to share as much as I can, though. Luckily the Toy Day furniture isn't that interesting for the garden events. I'm just trying to suck those sweet, sweet Leaf Tickets out of it.
You don’t have to place creatures one at a time by the way. Just like with multi-plant and multi-water, you can multi-share creatures; the only extra step is switching out the type of creature to multi-share with.

Also, if you still need help, I can definitely give you some creatures! My PC ID is 5153-7555-992, and the name is Rena! (Just like for my ACNL mayor)

I had no idea you could multi-share! That's suuuuuper helpful actually, haha.
And also thank you for the offer, I have sent you a friend request!
I had no idea you could multi-share! That's suuuuuper helpful actually, haha.
And also thank you for the offer, I have sent you a friend request!

Awesome! Just accepted. How many red and yellow hats do you still need?
These types of events is what made me stop playing PC, but I recently got back on to see what changes they made and I’ve been hooked. Still don’t like the gardening events but this time around I’ve befriended randoms that are super generous, so it isn’t as painstakingly tedious as it used to be.
Can anyone who does share add me? I actually really like this event and want everything but no one is sharing with me :( Still on 2/3 yellow hats and 4/6 red hats
2018 7195 687
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Yes, of course I share! It?s a bit difficult to get rare flowers without it haha. I also like being able to repay my friends for sharing creatures with me. :p
Yep I share my creatures every garden event unless I don't participate much in it due to lack of interest or bc I'm busy irl.
I could use someone to share with me. Nobody I share with is sharing back. I just need to grind for ornaments. I'm currently on 72/80 red hats and 26/30 yellow.
I always share during these events, but unfortunately I can't right now. ;---;
Stupid Nintendo.
I could use someone to share with me. Nobody I share with is sharing back. I just need to grind for ornaments. I'm currently on 72/80 red hats and 26/30 yellow.

I'm happy to share with you if you send me your ID, next batch I get I'll make sure to save some for you
Better get sharing, second half of the event the elf’s change color. I’m so behind in yellow :p
I always share! The only thing i dont like is when people dont share back or the dont have any flowers open so I can repay them! I finished the 1st part of the event do if any of you need yellow hats add me!
0957 6041 079
I always share! The only thing i dont like is when people dont share back or the dont have any flowers open so I can repay them! I finished the 1st part of the event do if any of you need yellow hats add me!
0957 6041 079
I desperately need yellow hats, I’ll add you now. :)