Garden Events - Who Shares?

Do you share during garden events?

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My biggest problem with sharing now is the catch rate being horrible. I love the idea of sharing, cause without it this event would need to last over a month to complete. But with catching less than half of what was shared with me and having many people to share with. It’s hard to decide who gets the few I catch, I really want to help all my friends.

Catch rate sucks so bad! I need 20 more White Hats to complete all the normal tasks. They’re the hardest to catch though. Ahhhhh. :<

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I want to at least get all of the ornaments from this.

Same, lol. I don’t know if I’ll be able to do the hard tasks. It’s so much. D;
Catch rate sucks so bad! I need 20 more White Hats to complete all the normal tasks. They’re the hardest to catch though. Ahhhhh. :<
Ugh the white hats really suck, even the green ones are giving me trouble. I think I’m halfway through this second half of the event. Honestly if I had real life money to spend on this game, I would buy so many tickets to catch them all with 100% success. I can only hope there isn’t more hats to catch after these.
Ugh the white hats really suck, even the green ones are giving me trouble. I think I’m halfway through this second half of the event. Honestly if I had real life money to spend on this game, I would buy so many tickets to catch them all with 100% success. I can only hope there isn’t more hats to catch after these.

I get you, haha. I hope not either... I don’t want to think about the hard tasks. D;
I always share. I keep a list of who gives me what and mark it off as I share back. Sometimes it takes me awhile to find their flowers available for sharing, but I just keep checking.

I do agree that the capture rate on the white hats is HORRIBLE!

(BTW, I did post earlier that I was not going to participate in this event, but I got sucked in by the poinsettias. I have a thing for poinsettias.)
I have a lot to share of yellow hats and red anyone want some help
Finally got all the green hats, which is much better than I thought I'd be doing, but still stuck on whites, only on 19 out of a total 45 needed. I'm feeling confident, espcially thanks to sharing.
But related to that, if anyone wants to share white hats with me, great, I'll happily take them but please save any other hats for people who need them more, because as of now I don't need any (and if anyone still needs green/red/yellow just say and I'll come dump some on you)
Finally got all the green hats, which is much better than I thought I'd be doing, but still stuck on whites, only on 19 out of a total 45 needed. I'm feeling confident, espcially thanks to sharing.
But related to that, if anyone wants to share white hats with me, great, I'll happily take them but please save any other hats for people who need them more, because as of now I don't need any (and if anyone still needs green/red/yellow just say and I'll come dump some on you)
Good to know, I’ll share any of the whites I find and save the green for others. I still need both as of now. Thanks for the bunch from this morning ^^
I share as much as I possibly can. I used to keep insanely detailed lists to the point where it was stressing me out because there are a few factors that can, at times, make it very very difficult to share.

1. Time: I used to play far more feverishly than I do now ESPECIALLY during events. Even when I was super duper active and growing flowers darn close to every cycle, it was still hard get the right amount of critters to everyone in a timely manner. Since there has been an upswing of events, I've been feeling a bit of burnout, so I am not as active as I once was. I still log on a handful of times a day at my most active; however, there are days where I may only log in once or twice. That is a real obstacle to getting my friends critters because I'm not planting as much as I would like. I also find that my interest in Pocket Camp wanes as more and more Leaf Ticket reliant content is added. I absolutely believe Nintendo should profit off of this game, but the balance feels very off considering the real world cost of one digital item can be quite high. It's a shame because I'd be more than happy to drop $5 into the game every month, if I knew that money would go a bit further than a single item, but I tend not to purchase any LT packages when I feel the balance is off or my hand if forced, but I digress.

2. Timing: We've talked about time, lets talk about timing. As I mentioned above, I don't play as feverishly as I used to, which means I have less time to plant, and ultimately critters to share, but what about bouncing back to people? Well, unfortunately, if you're only logging on 2-4 times daily, you not only have to have critters to share, but your friends gardens need to be available at the time you log on. I do my absolute best to return to all my friends who have shared critters with me, but even though I check when I log in, I find it can be VERY difficult to sync with my friends. They are either growing or have less available flowers than critters I would like to share. As much as I want to keep checking every hour, that plays into the stress I was feeling when I kept lists, which brings me to my next point.

3. Convenience: This might be one of the biggest obstacles to returning critters to your friends. There is absolutely no way to track how many critters you've sent to various friends. I used to keep detailed lists IRL, but that was VERY time consuming for me, and ultimately stressful. I was playing the game too hard when I was doing that. I felt very tied to the game, which led to major major burnout after each garden event, so even when I was logging on, it wasn't as fun. They eventually added the "return the favor" button, which I only started utilizing the past few events to keep track of the critters I returned, but even that wasn't super time friendly or easy. I would basically hit return favor for every critter I actually returned, though I would at times forget and use that button to check details. Even when we had that option, the first two factors would come into play because if I didn't return to friends in a timely manner, they would be booted from my visitor list, and without a written record, I wouldn't always remember who was bumped from it. We also have no way of communicating our specific needs to our friends. I used to decorate my camp with all of the items to let my friends know when I no longer needed them; however, decorating my camp takes time, and I don't always have time to devote to making it look nice, so I opt to keep the current camp design. I also found that method to be very imperfect indicator of who still needed critters because not everyone does that, and now we have hard tasks to consider. Like right now in the game, I ONLY need white hats, but I have absolutely no way of letting my friends know that, unless we speak in a group outside of the game. I even considered planting white flowers around my blue ones as a sort of marker, but that would waste a lot of garden space when I could be growing more blue. Anyhoo, if the whole point of these events is to share, why don't we have the tools to easily track this information in game?

4. Catch/Spawn rate: I've covered everything but this. What I've noticed for EVERY garden event is people who have excellent luck with their catch/spawn rate, and those who don't. It has fluctuated for me each event, and yes it always gets harder during round two, but there are people who still have pretty great RNG, thus making it much easier to share with friends. I had ONE hat spawn out of 10 today, and my worst catch yesterday was 3 out of 10 a friend shared. The truth is we have no idea how many critters our friends are catching, and even if everything else I mentioned above works out, our friends still may only have one or two critters to share. I can only speak for myself, but I know that when I play, I rarely have critters stockpiled (unless I'm specifically trying to get them back to a friend). The ONLY time I start to have a collection of critters is usually from round one. I tend to have a lot thrown at me at the end of round one, and I do my best to match the critter with that hat, so I don't want to return round one bugs and clog up my friend's round two flowers. I am sitting on a big fat goose egg for round two hats right now because I have been doing my best to get as many back to my friends as possible.

Ultimately, I know it's SUPER frustrating to not get critters back. It absolutely happens to me, and yes, I've gotten salty about it in the past (and still do sometimes). When I was playing hardcore, I didn't personally experience much of what I mentioned above (other than spawn/catch rate) simply because I was on the game constantly. Now that I'm not playing as much, I have experienced all of the above and then some, so I try to keep in mind that when my friends aren't sharing back, it's more likely than not for a good reason. I think that's something we should all try to remember and be understanding of. Also on a deeper note, I think the world would be a better place overall if we helped one another without expecting something in return. I think the holidays tend to remind me of that, and please understand I'm not upset or judging, it just felt like something we should all remember. Anyhoo, my point of writing this isn't to make anyone feel bad, just to remind everyone that we don't know the circumstances on the other side.

OH AND ONE FINAL THING.....if you don't share back with anyone EVEN WHEN YOU CAN......I only have one thing to say to you "BAHH HUMBUG YA SCROOGE!"
Well I’m done with the green hats, thank you very much to all who helped. Especially Lilly! Now to charge through the rest of the white.
Well I’m done with the green hats, thank you very much to all who helped. Especially Lilly! Now to charge through the rest of the white.

Congrats on finishing! I've finished my normal tasks and unlocked the hard, and actually had already caught enough for the hard green tasks (a total of 90) to be finished but now I'm working out the last of my hard whites (now on 54/80 total). I've still got some red/yellows just in case someone is reaaaaly struggling, and I'll still be catching greens from my blue poinsettas, so if anyone needs anything specific let me know!
Ok, i need only white hats! 35/45
I can see the end! :p

Thanks all for the sharing!
I prefer to share with a partner so I horde mine until my partner is available to trade :)
Hey anyone could share white hats with me I would greatly apreciate it! I only need 14 more to complete the hard tasks. If you need greens hats add me I am able to donate alot!
Ok, i need only white hats! 35/45
I can see the end! :p

Thanks all for the sharing!

You still have more to do if you go hardcore.
but at this point I'm basically giving up.

Not to mention that most prizes for this event are useless candles, like the birthday candles we receive in the birthday event that had 0 utility up till now.
Shout out to Loralei, Francesca, Marmalade, and Tyki for helping me complete this event! I finished super early so if yous need any type of hats lmk! You dont need to donate back!
Congrats! Glad I could help, I’m 15 white hats away from finishing. If anyone who has me added (Loralei), needs green hats and white lmk. Event ends tomorrow night.
Congrats! Glad I could help, I’m 15 white hats away from finishing. If anyone who has me added (Loralei), needs green hats and white lmk. Event ends tomorrow night.

I will share some white hats with you :blush: I'm only a few white hats from finishing myself, lol
I will share some white hats with you :blush: I'm only a few white hats from finishing myself, lol
Thank you! I just completed the event with the ones you shared. :)

To everyone who shared with me, you rock! They may have given us crappy catch rates but we did it! If anyone has me added and still needs green or white hats. Send them my way and I’ll send back what I catch.
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