Selling ✿Gardening goods shop✿

Sure i'll be 10 TBT. My town or yours?

Sorry for such a late reply!
Is yours okay?

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Omg, y'know what. I just remembered that I found some white lilies in my side character's locker. ;~;
I'm sorry, but I no longer need them! c:
ullo, could i have all of your blue roses please? that should be 24 tbt, right?
Could I get 2 purple rose, 2 blue rose, and two black lillies? 18TBT right? :)
Yep! My town or yours?

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I''d like all 3 cedar saplings and 10 white lilies - 25tbt right?
Yeah, my town or yours?

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May I get all your blue violets, cedar saplings & the blue hydregea start? :)
Sure, i can give you the hydrangea starts and blue violets for 13 TBT.
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