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Unfortunately I didn't have Population Growing as a kid, I got into the series about a year after Wild World was released, I finally picked it up after I got bored with City Folk, though, but I lost interest in it rather quickly.

On another note, I've been thinking about getting a name change, what sounds good? Should I drop the "Struck" and just go with Thunder? Maybe stick with the thunder theme and go with Raiden (since the Mortal Kombat and Metal Gear characters with that name are pretty badass.)

Decisions, decisions..
If you were going to get a name change, you should change it to your real name. Otherwise, I'd say keep it the same. I like your username.
Eh, I was never too big on changing my username to my first name, not to mention it's already taken like I've told Jubs earlier.
Either go with Thunder or don't change at all IMO.
Unfortunately I didn't have Population Growing as a kid, I got into the series about a year after Wild World was released, I finally picked it up after I got bored with City Folk, though, but I lost interest in it rather quickly.

On another note, I've been thinking about getting a name change, what sounds good? Should I drop the "Struck" and just go with Thunder? Maybe stick with the thunder theme and go with Raiden (since the Mortal Kombat and Metal Gear characters with that name are pretty badass.)

Decisions, decisions..

Really? I've never really liked Wild World all that much, I preferred the other two a lot more for some reason! I don't know, maybe it gave me the same feeling or it had the console-feel, since I'm not always so keen on handheld games I guess.

Thunderstruck sounds pretty awesome as it is now! I like it! But if you were to change it, go with Thunder, since that sounds just as good too.
The fact that Wild World was my first game in the series is probably why I enjoyed it more (Plus, I like handhelds for it's portability), despite it having the least amount of features.

Guess I'll stick with Thunderstruck, could always use a larger inbox.
The fact that Wild World was my first game in the series is probably why I enjoyed it more (Plus, I like handhelds for it's portability), despite it having the least amount of features.

Guess I'll stick with Thunderstruck, could always use a larger inbox.

That's true, I guess you always favour the first game you played the most. ^^" Maybe that's what happened with most people, I don't know, I just always really loved Population Growing, even though there was less features, I guess. It just reminds me of some good times.
Nostalgia is a pretty powerful thing.

I really should've spent more time with PG than I did, maybe I ought to try getting back into it, when I'm not distracted by games like Borderlands 2 and Uncharted 3 at least.
Nostalgia is a pretty powerful thing.

I really should've spent more time with PG than I did, maybe I ought to try getting back into it, when I'm not distracted by games like Borderlands 2 and Uncharted 3 at least.

You should do, but sometimes it's tough if you just don't have the time or attention to, nor if you're particularly interested in playing again. Sometimes it's difficult to get back into a game if you're not really interested in playing the game again.

At the moment I've been playing FFXIII, Mario Party 9 and SSBB (with friends). I've also been meaning to play Sonic Heroes again and actually complete the story mode on Team Shadow and Team Chaotix (that's what they were called, right?). I never completed them since I was only young when I first played it so I got stuck and just gave up on it. I really have been meaning to play it again recently but... I just either can't be bothered, or I just don't want to.
I was actually trying to play it the other day, but I couldn't find my copy of it, and then when I did find it the urge to play it had faded already. :(

I don't think I liked Sonic Heroes as much as I did Adventure 2 Battle, I think I only beat the Sonic Team storyline.
Eugh, I'm tired.

Well, gonna sign off now, see y'all in a week.
*randomly appears out of no where*

*sees no interesting disscussion*


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