General Discussion

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(Australia day is on the 26 Raffy plz come then)
2 bad da basement dsnt increase post count u idiot
That's ********.

Hello everyone! It's sure been a while since I was last on here. What's up?
Heyo, long time no see.

Yeah, same to you. I see you stuck with the name Thunderstruck in the end. ^-^"
I really need to stay here for a little longer now. I usually just drift back and forth from different websites every now and then.


Guys, there's like a Bird Orchestra going on outside. It's terrifying.

Sounds like those birds are all conspiring against us and plotting to take over the world.
That's what I thought. I'm first.

Yeah, just be careful, because instead of the zombie apocalypse, it'll be the bird apocalypse.

I probably will end up changing it, as soon as I get the right amount of bells.

Mm, I see. I'm contemplating myself whether or not to change my name too, but I don't know what I could change it to.
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