General Discussion

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My friend just messaged me on fb and asked me to let some random guy do something dirty to me because it's his birthday..
Glad to know I'm the "go to" guy.. -.-"
*empathetic pat*
Look at it creatively. Your friend means you and the random guy are trustworthy and generally good people. Because if you two weren't, he wouldn't have asked of such a favor or put you in a situation where you could get hurt.
Or you could see it as him trying to put you in mortal danger. ):
I assume people who didn't already have an account clicked the account registration button.

of course this is all just speculation.
*empathetic pat*
Look at it creatively. Your friend means you and the random guy are trustworthy and generally good people. Because if you two weren't, he wouldn't have asked of such a favor or put you in a situation where you could get hurt.
Or you could see it as him trying to put you in mortal danger. ):

Lol I barely know him and I haven't seen him since middle school and he's a pothead.
I'm afraid to come into this topic in fear of touching something toxic.

Would it be asking too much if the topic title was changed from, "General" to "13+ Discussion" ? lol
I don't even know why I uploaded my avatar if it creeps me out a little.

Because it is bloody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh my. Red lines. I'm so creeped out. >.>

Today I learned my boss hates the Harlem Shake. I feel so much better because I felt like I was the only one who didn't like it.

This was at the airport yesterday in the bathroom, legit looked like you had to check yourself in and out of the bathroom. Welp I didn't do that ****
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man i popular, gettin invited to 13 y/o's parties 8)


This was at the airport yesterday in the bathroom, legit looked like you had to check yourself in and out of the bathroom. Welp I didn't do that ****

And you **** your pants because you refused to check yourself into the restroom?
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