General Discussion

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Watching Supernatural season 2 right now. "Bloodlust" is a vampire episode, and it just makes me think of Buffy, and how it should cross over with this show.

Then Tara Maclay (Amber Benson) showed up.
After Basement Dwellers I haven't ever been active on here, at least discussion-wise. How is everyone doing?! Currently I'm in homeroom class just waiting for the day to be over.

Anyway overall I've been doing fine. Super tired and dealing with a lot of anxiety all of the time, but I've been able to see my friends a lot and do the things I love. School started last month so I've been juggling that and it's a mess. (i just pretend it's fine) I've also had a bit of a forum-makeover. My avatar, sig, title, and lineup are all for my Hunger Games 1 year giveaway. But I finally changed my username from thetessagrace to tessa. because I thought it looked nicer and less jumbly.

Okay sorry for ranting seriously though how is everyone?
After Basement Dwellers I haven't ever been active on here, at least discussion-wise. How is everyone doing?! Currently I'm in homeroom class just waiting for the day to be over.

Anyway overall I've been doing fine. Super tired and dealing with a lot of anxiety all of the time, but I've been able to see my friends a lot and do the things I love. School started last month so I've been juggling that and it's a mess. (i just pretend it's fine) I've also had a bit of a forum-makeover. My avatar, sig, title, and lineup are all for my Hunger Games 1 year giveaway. But I finally changed my username from thetessagrace to tessa. because I thought it looked nicer and less jumbly.

Okay sorry for ranting seriously though how is everyone?
I'm alright, just got home from school
Oh rip the plush reactions are gone, at least for me
But yeah just drawing more art for my contest
They are gone😭 and good luck with your art contest!
Yeah it's sad, rip plushes 🦖🐠🐝🐚
And the contest is going to be teamed and it's made for 5 teams of 5 so I can easily pm them, and each team will have a different area too! There will be one team with king boo too, and they'll have try not to be suspicious about mc bro's whereabouts
After Basement Dwellers I haven't ever been active on here, at least discussion-wise. How is everyone doing?! Currently I'm in homeroom class just waiting for the day to be over.

Anyway overall I've been doing fine. Super tired and dealing with a lot of anxiety all of the time, but I've been able to see my friends a lot and do the things I love. School started last month so I've been juggling that and it's a mess. (i just pretend it's fine) I've also had a bit of a forum-makeover. My avatar, sig, title, and lineup are all for my Hunger Games 1 year giveaway. But I finally changed my username from thetessagrace to tessa. because I thought it looked nicer and less jumbly.

Okay sorry for ranting seriously though how is everyone?
i am feeling great as of now much better than i was like a week ago
Looked around for the giveaway threads that I won my Yellow and Red Candies from. Both are from 2014 and one member isn't even active anymore. Guess I've held onto them for quite a while haha.
Speaking of giveaways, probably gonna just let my thread die. lol Less work for me anyway, if people don't really need my giveaways.
i was planning to play ac today but i'm so addicted to minecraft rn i can't stop.
Man I wish I could do everything at once.

I have a Diamond Nuzlocke that I’m doing.
I am trying to get all My Pokémon Ranch trades including Mew.
And checking my Pokémon Go once in awhile for spawns since it’s a Halloween event.

also haven’t shiny hunted in months.

PLUS, I haven’t played the new Minecraft update so I’m far behind on new items and mechanics. Probably won’t make a new world until the new world generation update happens tho.

then of course Animal Crossing update is coming out soon
Then PLA

TOO MUCH. All is going well tho.

oh also I had a dog unexpectedly die like a week ago and then one of my dogs had her 5th birthday yesterday. Been pretty crazy.
Do I keep my current candy lineup or try going for something more like this:



Asking the real questions here haha.
Do I keep my current candy lineup or try going for something more like this:



Asking the real questions here haha.
imo i like your like the wand in the middle but i like your line up how it is rn better. idk how you feel about it tho

unrelatedly, once peta finds out that we can cook and use fish in our recipes in the nh update they’re gonna freak out.
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