Generic/Store Brands or Name Brand: Which is better?

It depends on the product for me. Most time name brands are better like for food they taste better. For clothes I'm not so sure because I haven't gone clothes shopping in a while like 2 years now. But I guess I have variety on name brands and store brands for clothes, just not shoes. I have only name brand shoes because they last longer.
Since I work in a warehouse I see a lot of things come and go. The amount of greed that the bigger companies have with shrinking their packages (whatever it is) and raising their prices higher and higher is disgusting. I used to buy brands like Utz or Frito, but their family size bags are big enough for barely one person and the regular sizes are measly.

I don't even bother buying their stuff now. I just buy the generic brand stuff. (Most of the generic stuff is actually made by one of the companies anyway) Store brand bread is made by one of the bread companies. You just have to figure out which one it is and if they are usually the one you buy, then you will be saving on the generic store bread.