Auction Genji, the Jock Rabbit [SOLD]


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When specifically does this auction end? I won't be available all day today so I'd like to be sure to have my eyes on this thread when it's in the last half-hour or so. I assume he'll be ready for pick-up today, right? *-*
I can TT him out at will, Its about midnight here, so the auction will probably end when I wake up at around midday, so 12 hours

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You could always buy him out or make a large bid to make sure you will win :3
I can TT him out at will, Its about midnight here, so the auction will probably end when I wake up at around midday, so 12 hours

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You could always buy him out or make a large bid to make sure you will win :3

You posted 4 hours ago that this was ending in "a few hours". If it's ending in 12 hours, then I withdraw my bid. I'd rather try to find him elsewhere sooner if this one is going to run on for so long. Thanks anyway, and good luck.
Ah, you're right, I didnt realise I'd said that, if you would like to still buy him I can TT him out now

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Well that fell through,
Highest bid is 2.5
Still going,
you wouldnt want to trade him for Julian would you? my friend is looking for him desperately

Oh sorry, my signature isn't updated. I've already sold him a while ago.
Sorry this was so drawn out guys, I was trying to give Cease a chance to TT out Graham but he lost him to the void :(
Since none of the other bidders are online there's no reason to keep this open any longer

Sold to EdIwin3052 for 3mil
Genji is in boxes, so you'll need to pick him up soon
Sorry this was so drawn out guys, I was trying to give Cease a chance to TT out Graham but he lost him to the void :(
Since none of the other bidders are online there's no reason to keep this open any longer

Sold to EdIwin3052 for 3mil
Genji is in boxes, so you'll need to pick him up soon
I would've bid again if I knew when this was ending :p
EdIwin3052 isnt online to pick him up.. I have to go out later so I wont be able to hold Genji for long, If you top his bid I'll just sell him to you

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Thank you.
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