Get Paid to Visit My Town [All 100 Visits Obtained!]

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Royal Boss
Aug 16, 2013
100% (299) +
I'm trying to get the train station upgrade! If you agree to visit my town, please add my FC!

1 visit = 1 TBT
10 visits = 15 TBT
25 visits = 40 TBT
50 visits = 85 TBT

If you do all 100 visits... I will give you 200 TBT!!

On your first visit, post "bump 1," and for every visit after that please continue to post a bump. For example, bump 2, bump 3, and so on. This is to help me keep track of how many I need. When you're done doing your visits, tell me "last bump" and the number of visits you've done, and I will pay you accordingly. :)

If I need to go, I'll post that my gates are closed and then pay everyone for the visits they have done so far.

If you've done a weird number like 30 visits, I will pay you 40 TBT (25 visits) + 5 TBT (5 visits) total payment of 45 TBT.

You are welcome to hang out in my town if you want, so here are some rules:
1) No running except on paths.
2) Please don't take my flowers.

Actually that's pretty much it. You are welcome to use the shops, talk to my villagers, etc. :)

Current Bumpers (I will update every milestone):

Meggtheegg - 60 (Paid)
acmohn - 10 (Paid)
katastrophic! - 30

Total so far: 100! Woop woop!
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Hi! I can do all 100 visits if you like :)
I know the struggle of getting the upgrade omg
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I'm going to give others the chance, but if you do most of the visits I will still be happy to pay you as if you did 100 visits. :) I think I already have you added.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I'll add you now!

Sounds good, no problem :) I'll start visiting now
I can totally do 100 if you're still up to it :) i'll add your fc

- - - Post Merge - - -

oh nvm :) i forgot its only 100 visits, i thought it was 500 for some reason haha
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I can totally do 100 if you're still up to it :) i'll add your fc

- - - Post Merge - - -

oh nvm :) i forgot its only 100 visits, i thought it was 500 for some reason haha

It looks like I'll end up being all set, but I'll let you know if I end up needing more visits. ^.^ I didn't think people would be so willing to do this many at once!
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