Gifting giant clams


🌜 from Lunasoleil 🌞
Jun 24, 2013
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Hi guys,
I just wanna make sure I'm doing this right. When gifting giant clams to villagers for photos. Do you just give one clam? More? Wrapped? Wrapped stack? I've been giving 1 wrapped giant clam but I don't wanna keep doing that if it's wrong. Thanks
Yeah, I gave two my villagers one wrapped giant clam and got both their pictures.
How long does it usually take you to get their photos (with giant clams)? I am still sticking to iron wall lamps/hanging terrariums (usually takes 3-4 weeks to get photos). I might shift to pumpkins or clams because it takes less resources.
Uh.. man I'm really bad at time estimates but I started when this became a thing, so whenever that last thread about how giant clams is the new best gift for them to now. I got both photos on the 17th of this month.

lol, sorry if that is not helpful at all. 😩
Uh.. man I'm really bad at time estimates but I started when this became a thing, so whenever that last thread about how giant clams is the new best gift for them to now. I got both photos on the 17th of this month.

lol, sorry if that is not helpful at all. 😩

No worries. I was the one who posted that. XD

I can only assume that when you started giving them the clams, you were already giving them something else beforehand.
I remember seeing a thread about how the fruit stack trick doesn't work anymore and you're supposed to use giant clams instead, is that what you're talking about? If you're till trying to raise your friendship level, 2 wrapped exotic fruits or 3 wrapped cononuts also do the job. With this I started getting pictures after 3/4 weeks.