Give mah a theme people!

Hal said:
Bita said:
evilpancakes said:
Try a graveyard, you know, head stones everywhere, mabey a coffin here and there, and and mabey a few empty graves/coffins
I'll make it that on wild world and uh... maybe accf
once i buy wild world (AGAIN i lost it)
I Lost Wild World at my dads back in October.
It was found a couple of weeks ago in my moms Kitchen.XD
wow lol
a guinea pig theme because guinea pigs... are amazing. <3

<object type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width="250" height="250" data=''>
<param name='AllowScriptAccess' value='never' />
<param name='wmode' value='transparent' />
<param name='movie' value='' /><param name='play' value='true' />
<param name='loop' value='true' /><param name='quality' value='high' /></object>
Yeah My town is covered from head to toe in weeds.
But now my Living room In City Folk is the Same as in Wild World.(Minus the DSi Seats,There Replaced by Nintendo Benches)
Desert wasteland. Get rid of all grass dig up a bunch of fossils, than lay 'em everywhere, and BAM you're done.
Hal said:
Bita said:
evilpancakes said:
Try a graveyard, you know, head stones everywhere, mabey a coffin here and there, and and mabey a few empty graves/coffins
I'll make it that on wild world and uh... maybe accf
once i buy wild world (AGAIN i lost it)
I Lost Wild World at my dads back in October.
It was found a couple of weeks ago in my moms Kitchen.XD
Your lucky you found it!!!