Give the above user a warning for a ridiculous reason (with a ridiculous rule).


Senior Member
Jun 27, 2013
Dusty Scroll
Self explanatory and I think this post is already enough an example.

Nonexistent user, you have broken rule 0.

0. Do not "not" exist!

We do not allow our users to not exist and I hope that you refrain from doing so in the future. This may be a good time to review the rules.

I have noticed that I have made three forum games so far. I think this is a good time for me to stop.
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Your forum name can't be chillv! There is a v at the end and it's not correct grammar!
You have broken rule #0.3.

0.3. You may not have a short signature with no spoiler or picture.

Please refrain from this in the future or we will take further action. Thank you!
You have broken rule XIIV.

XIIV. No persons aside from Ash Ketchum can proclaim to be a "Pokemon Master".

Please fix this error post haste!
You have broken rule 1776.

Rule 1776: No member of the forums may be from Connecticut.

Please revise your post, or punitive action will be taken.
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You have violated (I'd rather use violated unless we have to use broken) rule #000

#000. You cannot be a superhero without a permit.

I suggest you go down to the left and get a permit now.
You have violated rule #AD0RABL3

#AD0RABL3 You cannot have ridiculously cute pixels wandering around your siggy.

Please adjust your siggy post-haste.
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You have broken rule #37 of section 5Z

Rule #37 of section 5Z clearly states you, under no circumstances, can have fruit in a signature.

Please edit that out, now. Or else
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Ma'am, you have clearly violated rule 3.141592.

Rule 3.141592: Domo is not permitted on these forums in any way, shape, or form.

Please revise your avatar immediately!
You have broken the rule -72.

Rule -72: You cannot call someone Ma'am.

Please fix your grammar, or you'll get a warning.
>Join Date
August 14, 2013

You have broken rule 83.
Rule 83: No telling people they've broken a rule when they haven't.

You've failed us all. Please remove your post and try to move on from this tremendous failure.
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mariop476 you have broken rule 100.

100: No using temporary signatures until you come up with a real one.

You have also broken su!n6uad ou.

su!n6uad ou: No penguins

Rule "su!n6uad ou" is the phrase "no penguins upside down"
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