Give your opinion of the above user.

i;m honestly sorry you have to be shipped with that prick :(
i know, i feel bad for me too
anyway i think ur p cool bc u know a bunch of anime/manga tht i know so A+!!
i think you're pretty funny and i love how you talk to people and also because we know too much of the same anime/manga

and tbh i actually like how you're a tsundere to thunder hehehehe
I don't know you that well, though I've seen you. I bet you're a "Big Forum User" xD
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Yeah seem like an overall cool person, but I'm still wondering why you changed your signature to that. At first I thought you were making fun of my old sig. but I can't jump to a conclusion :)
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Haha, well, you are an awesum person. Though you seem to always ship tymeko lol x3
For being a Lunatic? cx
No but really, you seem like a very nice person. c: