Give your opinion of the above user.

Despise them because of their use of stupid text colors, sizes, fonts and because they had the name "Foxy the Pirate"

Really queen?
Wanna know my reasoning?

Because you have the interests of a 9 year old, and you annoy me. The default font it great, and either way, no one is going to care what you have to say.

I think we're done here
Wanna know my reasoning?

Because you have the interests of a 9 year old, and you annoy me. The default font it great, and either way, no one is going to care what you have to say.

I think we're done here


Oh my gosh, mercy me.
Wanna know my reasoning?

Because you have the interests of a 9 year old, and you annoy me. The default font it great, and either way, no one is going to care what you have to say.

I think we're done here

Wooowww. Can you hear that? Listen closer.... aha! It's the large amount of cares I don't give falling from the sky! There are so many, I can't even count them all! Now, if you despise me so much, leave me alone k? Bai.
Eh, I can be rude/kind of a troll at times

I'm nice to the people I like

Very nice, very sweet, and very good at art!
Very mature about a lot of things. Handles situations well. Can sometimes be a bit sassy/blunt, but in a straightforward kind of way. I like you. c:
is a good boy/girl and seems to be funny.
hangs around a lot in the basement, just like me pff :D
Seem to be great, mature, thoughtful and keeps their head in hard situations. (Which means not to freak out, don't want it going the wrong way.)
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