Pretty damn hot
(and they like beards)
; )
Wanna know my reasoning?
Because you have the interests of a 9 year old, and you annoy me. The default font it great, and either way, no one is going to care what you have to say.
I think we're done here
Wanna know my reasoning?
Because you have the interests of a 9 year old, and you annoy me. The default font it great, and either way, no one is going to care what you have to say.
I think we're done here
Ayy gurl, wanna go out to a steak dinner? 8)Pretty damn hot
(and they like beards)
; )
Very mature about a lot of things. Handles situations well. Can sometimes be a bit sassy/blunt, but in a straightforward kind of way. I like you. c:
Eh, I can be rude/kind of a troll at times
I'm nice to the people I like
Very nice, very sweet, and very good at art!
I think you are also really cool.I think you're really cool.