Give your opinion of the above user.

That is one of the nicest things I've ever been told...thank you! I'm glad you liked Canaan, I've really gotta update it again once finals are over. I actually just had to Google which villager was Lico, and it was Julian whom I love very much <3

You're automatically a kind person in my eyes after reading that :blush:

(omg i'm so sorry did I really say Lico instead of Julian jkgldfks my french spirits took over me I guess!)

Also ^ I've seen you around quite a few times and you seem very nice and chill!
Calmest person I know :0

I feel like I've interacted with you once before. You remind me of the person I talked to quite a lot on here; they really liked turtles, and one of their favorite things to say was 'turt'. As in, abbreviation for turtle.

If you are who I think you are- I'm pretty sure you were like their best friend or something? :0 You're a really chill person and I'd love to get to know you more <3​
I don't really recognize your (new) username but yeah i use turt a lot. whose best friend.. kaydees?

anyway you seem nice but i cant recall who you are lol rip
I don't really recognize your (new) username but yeah i use turt a lot. whose best friend.. kaydees?

anyway you seem nice but i cant recall who you are lol rip

I think it was Kaydee, yeah! I used to be chocolatte, Tanooki, Bucky Barnes (reverted back to it, obviously xD) but yeah. I think Kaydee and I used to talk a lot :0
Hmm I don't really recognize any of your names aha rip.. That's cool, same here though she don't get on a lot nowadays :(

Anyway, cool sig and lineup!
One of the coolest people I think I've met on this forum. A fellow pokemon trainer so like full respects my dude.
You seem like a really nice person that I'd like to get to know more (pity I suck at conversations lmao) :) You always have cool aesthetics and lineups and your sense of humour is THE BEST