Give your opinion of the above user.

You’re a very peppy presence on the site! Based on you liking HeartStopper, you also have great taste in TV shows!
You've always seemed really nice and generous to me, and you always seem to have a nice combo aesthetic going on between your pfp, signature and collectibles. : )
I’ve always liked the collectible set you’ve had going on. I haven’t seen you much outside of the marketplace, but you seem like a nice person.
I've seen you a lot on the TBT marketplace, and I remember doing some trades with you back maybe 2018-9 and thinking you were really nice, as well as from the interactions I've seen you have with other people on the forums 😊
You seem pretty cool. I love that astronomical aesthetic you got going on. I love astronomy ^^
I've seen you around a fair bit, and you've always come across as a really nice person 😊
I associate you with the fantasy genre 😂
I haven’t seen you around much on the site, but I like your profile pic and collectible lineup!