Give your opinion of the above user.

We've barely interacted with one another, but you seem like a pretty nice person from what I've seen from you around the forums! I did also enjoy the one game of Mario Party Superstars we played together during camp!
We havnt truly interacted but I consider you a friend nonetheless :). Youre very friendly and your reminders were essential to me being functional during Camp this year !
we haven’t interacted too too much before, but you’ve been super sweet every time we have, and you just seem lovely in general 🩷 your lineup is also iconic!
You are kindness reincarnated. You're a wonderful user and are always so friendly, positive, and welcoming to everybody on these forums! You're also a fantastic teammate who always works hard and supports your teammates the best you can! I definitely feel fortunate to have been teammates with you for all 3 team events! 💜
I’ve always thought of you as very smart and logical. You always do amazing at puzzles and egg hunts, it’s really impressive!
You seem to be one of them users who love using the basement. Me, I only use it every so often.

But hey, we all have something we love, are neutral to, or dislike. But don't flame on their opinion...
I haven't interacted with you much, but I know you for your skill with mirrors, and your like for the MK8 male villager, always having a cute pfp and signature of them!
I've played with you in Splatoon 3 sessions (or do I mistake the other dapple dualies nouveau player I've encountered with you. I think the one I've encountered is Zettra? If that's actually you, you're pretty good at the game! (y))

I think I've barely interacted with you at this point! 😅

Despite that, you're pretty cool! I hope we get to chat some more.
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Yep I’m zettra on splatoon!! Awwbf thank you though 😊

We haven’t interacted too much, but I know you for your talents in splatoon, and your cute art style!! I also really like your lineup rn, it’s so pretty 😭

Ik you were also a moon bunny, and a lot your entries were really cool!
You're pretty kind, generous, and friendly to everybody on the forums, and I've enjoyed the interactions we've had! Gotta give you bonus points for being a fan of hockey as well, lol.
You're cool! I like reading your stories that you come up with and looking at your art. I also love your current collectible lineup!
You're very kind and generous to everyone, and pretty much always have a nice mha aesthetic!!
I enjoy reading your posts and seeing what games you've been playing on the what are you happy about today thread 😊