Giveaway bells for visiting my dream! *NOW EVEN EASIER*

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Thank you everyone! :D I've just sent all of you a message with the thing you must search. Good luck!
Girlfriend and I will visit your dream (we like visiting dreams). No need to give us anything! can't wait to see it!
Oh... that means you're not participating in the game? :eek: Ok, anyway I thank you both for visiting.
Marilyn, your snap is correct and accepted. You won your prize! :D Thanks a lot for visiting. Please, tell me when you'll be online so I can go deliver it.

Timexturner and Awesomeelle2001, I'll send a message to you too in order to participate.
Yay! Thanks Guerrera! (^o^) I'm in the GMT timezone. What time would be best for you?

Done :) I'm ready now if you are :)
i'm sorry for the delay. i can visit you tonight! i added you, so i'm just waiting for you to add me back so i can hop on over.

- - - Post Merge - - -

i forgot that this was a dream address thing. my bad haha. disregard the above post.
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