Cycling /[Giveaway] Villagers, perfect apples, and Rose hybrids [ONLINE]

Okay! I think I got a work around with a mobile hot spot. That was crazy.

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Cobb was also voided because he's gross and I tted too far. xD
lmao RIP Cobb.

Hey, do you want some red carnations? I've been growing them and they're multiplying really fast, I thought maybe you'd want to advertise carnations as part of your giveaway too?
You don't have to take them, if you don't want them you're just going to have to take some of my pink roses instead.

lmao RIP Cobb.

Hey, do you want some red carnations? I've been growing them and they're multiplying really fast, I thought maybe you'd want to advertise carnations as part of your giveaway too?
You don't have to take them, if you don't want them you're just going to have to take some of my pink roses instead.


I'd love to take red carnations since I have 4 pink, but I have to try and get the wi-fi to my 3ds up and running.

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Yaaay it's working. Let me know when you can pick up Fuchsia.

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Okay. No rush. I have to go eat dinner anyway; if you get it fixed and I'm still gone go ahead and let her go. I mostly just felt bad letting her go to the void. XD;

I just got Pinky, so let me get her house plot set and I'll bring you some red carnations whenever you'd like after that.


Keep an eye out for her "in boxes" post.​
Aww, I hope she gets a home, I'd hate to see her voided. I have her and she's so sweet. Ya know!
Hey, I can bring over those carnations whenever you'd like.

When you've bred some more pink carnations, can I maybe buy a breeding pair from you so I can grow some as well?
Hey, I can bring over those carnations whenever you'd like.

When you've bred some more pink carnations, can I maybe buy a breeding pair from you so I can grow some as well?

Okay, let me tt the next day to void diva and open my gates.

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Mrrgh I need to find someone to give me a shaved-ice lamp for my sweets kitchen. I:<
Hm. I have no idea how much they're selling for... Are there any on the market right now?

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I'll be on the lookout for a sweets minilamp for the rest of November, if there's one in my shop you can have it. I can't TT for it because since Gracie's in a sale period right now, no sweets stuff will be stocked if I TT to the next day.
Okie dokie, picking 'em up and I'll be right there.

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Is is okay with you if I add you to my best friends list in NL? I don't have any active friends anymore, booooooo.
Can't hold fuchsia very much longer! Any takers? :(

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Keep a look out for her "in boxes" post.​
hello I am new if I do anything wrong let me know! I am going to be part of this thread c:
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