Oooo I'll enter because I took a while to deside on my 2nd town's name, which is "Forte."
I picked it initially because I'm a huge music nerd, and I wanted my new town to be "loud" and "bold" and very me. But I also want it to be music-themed where I can, and have a lot of music-related patterns within my home and outside in the trails, etc. Here are the definitions of forte, both it's French meaning that is used in music, and it's English meanings. Once I started looking more into the word's other meanings, I loved it even more, and thought it was even more fitting.
1. a thing at which someone excels.
Who doesn't want a town that "excels?" Clearly Forte is a place that is awesome.
2. mid 17th century (sense 2; originally as fort ): from French fort (masculine), forte (feminine) ?strong,? from Latin fortis.
In music, forte's definition of strong is pretty important, where a lot of people get loud, but that's not quite the only sort of sentiment that it means. I also really appreciated that forte was the feminine root of the word, and I decided that all of the characters were going to be strong women, aha.
3. (especially as a direction) loud or loudly. / a passage performed or marked to be performed loudly.
More-so where the music thing comes in.
I used to be really shy, but I've worked my way out of my shell a lot more with music improv, and I'm always trying to do new things that stretch my comfort zone. When I picked a town name, I wanted something musical that also described that in myself. I started working as a DJ recently for weddings/trivia/school dances, etc, and I've been getting more and more involved with activism, where I think this work speaks loudly for. I'm working on started a music meditation group, and while "loud" isn't as necessary for that, the "strong" part is, because sometimes it's scary starting a new group or club in a city that is also new (and I basically know no one where I live right now as I"m really new to the area.)
Sooooo. That's a long description of why I picked my town name, haha.