Gladtobemom says Hi


Senior Member
Jun 24, 2013
New Year's Party Popper
Red Candy
Orange (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
I play Animal Crossing with my kids. My youngest two and I have played ACCF ACWW and now we are nuts for Animal Crossing New Leaf. We had 3 copies back ordered on Amazon from January of 2012. DH (dear husband) gave me a 3ds XL for Mother's day.

I am Mayor Rose in the town of Posydale. Dream Address 5100-2163-4604
There is a second character in my town named Suki

My Daughter Zowie (not her real name) is 12, She is Zozo in the town of Leaf. Dream Address: 5000-2183-6708
My Son Wavy (also not his real name) is 13, He is Davy in the town of Gmod. (Is working on getting his Dream Suite, he's concentrating on making a mansion now.)

So hello from us. You'll be talking to me, but if you have something to say to the kids, they're almost always looking over my shoulder.
Aww, it's amazing how you can enjoy this game with your whole family. :~) Welcome to the forums!