Going back to Wild World for a Week: Day 4


Senior Member
Nov 18, 2015
Throwback Tickets
I ended up going fishing a bit later on in the day like I said I might, I caught 3 dace, 2 carp, yellow perch, bitterling, 2 dabs, 1 sea bass, 1 football fish, 1 pond smelt, 1 dace, and 1 olive flounder. I wanted to do a bit more fishing but unfortunately I didn't have any room for anymore. I'm playing much later then I usally do, today I'm playing at 8PM so its nighttime. Nook's is open again today, thankfully because I have a lot to sell. All my junk from the Able Sisters and the fish that Blathers doesn't take. Here is something that New Leaf did better, if you had some fish that you already donated it wouldn't be give able on your menu. Here you can give Blather's fish that you have already donated and he just laughs at it and gives it back to you. I can't remember what I donated and this is just a waste of time. I went down to get my cup of coffee and OH WHAT KK SLIDER!? I forgot all about Saturday KK! I got my cup of coffee and requested KK Metal. I don't think the request went through since he didn't play KK Metal. His performance was still really nice though as the lights dimmed and the credits scrolled across the screen. I really liked all the camera angels during this, also I think KK was better in this game as appose to ACNL. I liked him hanging out here and there was the fact that he was a surprise to a lot of people who just stumbled on to him as they were going to get their cup of coffee. I don't like how he preformed in the club as KK slider on Saturdays although I'm fine with him being DJ KK. I think he should just stay with Brewster, its a pair that works really well together. Nook's is now called Nook 'n' Go, but I'm still calling it Nook's. Shady old man is still running it so I'm still calling it the same thing. I sold everything for 5,365 bells a little bit less then what I was expecting but I'll take it. Now it was time to buy everything out in both stores. Nook had a net and another shovel, I bought both since there is the trick where you bury the shovel and the next day it becomes a golden shovel and you can make money trees, I thought I'd plant a few to see how much they make as oppose to foreign fruit trees. I also bought the timer they had on sale, not like its good for anything since I don't play this game with anyone (all my friends got into Animal Crossing at New Leaf) but I thought it would be a thing that I should just keep around. Today on Prodding Sable, she said she appreciated me coming in each day, but we didn't get any farther then that. I changed into a BB shirt that I bought into from the Able Sisters and I ditched the fireman's hat. After selling all the junk back to Nook's I was still pretty poor. I sent letters again to all my residents, which I have a few more of now so maybe one will respond. We have another new resident today, another one that I had in one of my towns (did I mention that I had Sally in one of my older towns before?) This new villagers name is Peanut shes just as cute as before. Anyways, I sent my letters and called it a day on Animal Crossing. See you tomorrow!