Good Manners on Visiting someone.


Senior Member
Jan 23, 2009
I know that is is good manners to obviously ask before you take anything in someone elses town, to not walk off the beaten track, pick flowers, shake trees or steal tems. Thats all commmon sense to me anyway.

But is there some stuff you can do as a given... I have heard most people are fine with if you take a couple of native fruit. Is it ok to fish? How soon are the fish replenished?!?

Is it ok to talk to their neighbours? Sorry if these are silly questions just I have never had anyone visit before or visit them and I really dont want to upset anyone by not knowing the Visiting Etiquette as it were.
yeah, its okay to fish and catch bugs in most towns. Especilly if ya have a group with a timer running. Then it becomes a game to get the most.

And yes its okay to talk to their town members, but it gives them a chance to also think "huh, perhaps i should visit their town or move to it..."

So its bound to happen anyway...
You can always just go to who ever your visiting Town's profile to see what is and isn't allowed.If they didn't list something you're confused about,then you should ask,but most people don't care if you take native fruit since they would only get 1500bells with a full inventory of them and 7500bells for an inventory full of foreign fruit.