Grab something random from under your bed


Jan 18, 2020
Love Tokens
Heart Dust
Tasty Cake
Small Mailbox
Warning: you are playing this game at your own risk;)

Rules: since not everyone has a mysterious trundle bed of doom like me you can use a container, as long you don't know everything that is in it why would you know that though?
If the thing you grab is something you'd rather not share or is inappropriate for this sight you can grab something else
no looking in said container while you grab
you have to share what you grabbed unless the second rule applies

I grabbed an unusable Lego instruction page
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An embarrassing sheet of paper... from back when... I pretended my toys were having conversations.

Seriously, nothing under my bed is going to match my age...
I've got...
A bag of DS games. Not 3DS. i take better care of those games than plopping them all in a bag. Such as, putting my 3DS in a carrying case unless i'm playing with it and keeping 8 recent games in it, while keeping the rest in a blue... thing that stores them. I'm gonna open this thing up, and see what i have. Hmm... I have the Puss in Boots game. I remember never being able to beat 1 level. Then again, my brother bought most of these. Deca Sports DS! I remember loving that game. The truth or square spongebob game - DS edition. The one about Spongebob (i'm gonna call him SB) losing his memory and Plankton teaming up with him to retrieve it while fighting his own robots. and also, cool minigames. Go Diego Go Great Dinosaur Rescue? The first time i had a DS it was for both my brother and me and this game proves it. My brother was 8 when we first had a DS. He wouldn;t have bought this for himself.
An embarrassing sheet of paper... from back when... I pretended my toys were having conversations.

Seriously, nothing under my bed is going to match my age...
I wasn't going to reply to anything but this is valid, you have no idea