Trading Gradient Heart(s) for Sweet Heart Balloon | [Date Trading] White Feather

I'll add the extra 50 bells since it's the last one I need.

I'll send the bells now. No message necessary on it.

I hope you have a great day and a Happy New Year!
Sorry for the delay, the coal has been sent!
(What are you planning on using all the coal for? To make a BBQ?)

Have yourself a wonderful new year! <3
I'm horribly indecisive about whether I want one of the new collectibles or whether I should just sell for bells, so gauging interest. Would be looking for TBT primarily, though there are also some collectibles in the first post I might be interested in figuring some sort of collectible + TBT sort of deal for.
โ„โ„โ„ Bump! โ„โ„โ„
Probably last call if you're interested and haven't yet made an offer.​
๐Ÿ’˜๐Ÿ’˜ Since I happened to suggest a Love Potion collectible back during 2019's Christmas event, and now the Pink Love Potion exists, I very much want to get my hands on one. If any of you earn one and are willing to sell, please let me know! ๐Ÿ’˜๐Ÿ’˜
hey! i was curious what price youre looking to buy jack for? im not 100% set on selling him, but i thought i would ask

also wanted to say that i really hope youre able to get the love potion! its super cool that the collectible you suggested finally came into existence
hey! i was curious what price youre looking to buy jack for? im not 100% set on selling him, but i thought i would ask

also wanted to say that i really hope youre able to get the love potion! its super cool that the collectible you suggested finally came into existence

I'm putting my Jack hunting on hold until we see what the staff nominations for the Valentine's Day event look like, how much people sell them for (if anyone even does, considering the popularity) and so on. The tier list suggests around 200 like other characters, but past months have seen them selling for 500. So probably something around there? Feel free to mull over whether you are willing to sell Jack and if a price in that range is acceptable and we can figure things out after the event. :)

Also, thank you! I don't have confidence in my chances to earn one due to lacking art skill, but hopefully I'll get it one way or another!