Trading Gradient Heart(s) for Sweet Heart Balloon | [Date Trading] White Feather

sorry for the double reply but i can actually offer 2 bee plushies for the moon bunny frag o:

Thank you for the very generous offer! I'm mulling it over against an outright TBT purchase. I'll get back to you soon with a decision. :)
Hey! I can trade a 2023 Jack to you if you’re still looking?

Thank you very much! I'm still looking, yes. Do you want any of the dates in particular in exchange?
Hallo @Halloqueen !
I have a Jack from
Nov 11, 2023 at 8:44 PM EST
I would be happy to trade for your oldest Jack. Let me know if you want a message. I’m happy with any or no message.

That would be awesome. I'll send my oldest your way now. No message needed on mine. Thank you, and I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!
Thank you very much! I'm still looking, yes. Do you want any of the dates in particular in exchange?
Would one of the 2016 ones be okay? Otherwise any is fine! Would you like a message on it? I’m fine with none 😊
Would one of the 2016 ones be okay? Otherwise any is fine! Would you like a message on it? I’m fine with none 😊
I'll send the remaining 2016 one your way. No message needed on mine. Thank you very much and I hope you have a very Merry Christmas! :)
I want to string, string, string Apples and Bananas!

Upples and Banunus!

I can offer Perfect Peaches and Mangos.

Don't currently have MEOW Coupons just yet, but just bumping this so it's easier to find later and in case anyone's interested in setting something up.​
Upon further consideration, my initial plans were a bit too grandiose.

Aside from ZeldaCrossing64's Perfect Apple, I'll just be in the market for Bananas.
Hii! I’d love to trade bananas for either a perfect peach or a mango! I still need to figure out dates and lineups, but wanted to throw it out there that I’m available for trade!
Hii! I’d love to trade bananas for either a perfect peach or a mango! I still need to figure out dates and lineups, but wanted to throw it out there that I’m available for trade!
Awesome! I'd be up for both if you are.

I'll get back to you when I have more MEOW Coupons, but if you figure out the lineup stuff in the meantime, let me know. :)
Awesome! I'd be up for both if you are.

I'll get back to you when I have more MEOW Coupons, but if you figure out the lineup stuff in the meantime, let me know. :)
Sounds great! Same for me, gotta see how many coupons I end up with and what the next balloon colour release will be. I’ll stay in touch tho!
Awesome, I would like this for the message:

A perfect fruit for a princess!

No need to send it right away, as I'm still waiting for the perfect apple trade with another user.
All right, sounds good.

For my Perfect Apple, I'd like the message:

One of Idunn's finest apples, said to grant eternal youth to those who eat them.

I'll refrain from buying it from the Shop for now and we can swap at the same time when you have the Perfect Apple.
All right, sounds good.

For my Perfect Apple, I'd like the message:

One of Idunn's finest apples, said to grant eternal youth to those who eat them.

I'll refrain from buying it from the Shop for now and we can swap at the same time when you have the Perfect Apple.
I just sent the perfect apple your way! Feel free to send the perfect peach whenever. :)