Graham is crafting "Gold-screen wall"

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I hate Diva
Mar 31, 2020
Tasty Cake
Red Cosmos
New Horizons Token
100% (26) +

I will be taking visitors three at a time. Comment here to join the queue.
Savannah has cafe-curtain wall, aluminum rug, simple small purple mat, blue dotted rug, and oasis flooring (if you can find her).

I will be staying in Graham's house to see how long he is crafting. If you are going to leave a tip, please do not put it near the airport, as that is where I have left free items out for people to take. Thanks!
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The recipe requires a screen wall; I have dropped a screen wall outside Graham's house for you to catalogue. Please pick it up and put it right back down so others can enjoy the recipe to its fullest potential.
hi I'd like to come if you're still open. Also, my lighthouse is kind of a light blue. Is that the blue one or something different?
omw! And yea, that's the one I have. I could order one and we can trade tomorrow?
It looks like there are four people here for some reason...did someone share the code? Anyway, I'll update the queue in the first post when new people comment.

EDIT: I lost track haha. I'll like your post when I've sent you the dodo.
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Hi all,
I closed the session due to an intruder stealing off the island. If you were on while I turned off the session, I apologize. Please let me know if you need the dodo code again.
actually i have to go somewhere irl, so please give my spot to someone else, thank you!!
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