kiley-of-leafvill said:
BerryManga said:
OMG IM JOINING. lol i didnt even read the stuff yet but i know im joining ill edit this with info after i read the post lol
- okey ima be berry from TMM a la mode :] or ichigo, or haruhi from the meloncholy of haruhi suzimiya. or mikuru from that show 2.anddd i might not be able to make it some days :/ my wii sucks+wifi sucks (sorry)
i can make u an oufit
okey :s
Im picky for last member btw. XD You have to have nice grammar.
Sorry. Please get better grammar. o.o And this is an ANIME group?
Hmmmm we might have an event this week too....
Looking for designer now for the group. =3
Group closed. D= I am getting inactive lately...