Grumble here. Nice to meet you.


Mayor of Moga Village
Oct 6, 2015
New Horizons Token
Pumpkin Cupcake
October Birthstone (Opal)
Apple (Fruit)
Hi! I'm Grumble!

I play Animal Crossing. And the Sims. That's about all there is to know about me, I guess.

I came here because Blaire is moving out and I think she's too adorable. :) So I wanted to see if anyone wanted her. I already posted over in the Villager Trading section. :D

I'm just introducing myself here. Again, nice to meet you all!

I've been perusing some fan art and also some clothing designs. There are lots of talented Animal Crossing players on here, huh? :cool:
sims 2,3 or 4? i play sims 4 and it's so addicting! i had sims 3 but it acutally messed up my computer like twice :| into the trash that went!
Hello, welcome to TBT forums!
I love the Sims, especially 2 and 3. > w<
sims 2,3 or 4? i play sims 4 and it's so addicting! i had sims 3 but it acutally messed up my computer like twice :| into the trash that went!

Hey! I have both TS2 and TS4. I had all TS3 expansions and what-not but have long lost it--and can't seem to find if I can redownload through my EA account or not.

And thanks for the warm welcome everyone!