No, not Marshadowi dont think I know that one
Cylie: Mismagius?
No, not Marshadowi dont think I know that one
i dont think I know that one
Not Weedle lolNo, not Jolteon
Snek: Weedle?
Nope not Mismagius
Uhh Alolah Sandslash? (Is that an alteration?)
No, not Porygon. I prefer my mons all evolvedNope not Luxray
Uh Porygon?
Not Alolan ExeggutorNope, not Happiny
Alolah Exequtor?
Do you mean Hisuian Typhlosion? No. Number 8 isn't a regional. That's all the hints I'll giveNope not christmas birdo
Um, Galarian Typhloshion? I just got him lol
No, not Porygon. I prefer my mons all evolved
Midoriya: Giratina Origin?
Not Caterpie. I like evolved mons.No, not Giratina Origin
Snek: Caterpie?
Not Caterpie. I like evolved mons.
Midoriya: Landorus Therian Forme?