Guess the lyrics

I don't recognize it.

You got mud on your face, you big disgrace / Kicking your can all over the place

Going for a lyric from a more well-known song.
"Break Stuff" by Limp Bizkit (who's rockin' the set; it's like Russian roulette when you're placin' your bet).

You've got to trust your instinct and let go of regret
Here in your arms I found my paradise
My only chance for happiness
And if I lose you now, I think I would die
Oh, say you'll always be my baby, we can make it shine
We can take forever, just a minute at a time
I don’t know the song name, but is it Metallica?

My new lyrics;

“Come friends, who plough the sea
Truce to navigation
Take another station
Let's vary piracy,
With a little burglary!“

(My previous lyrics were from “More Than a Woman” by The Bee Gees.)
A Weird Al Yankovic song? (My song lyrics origin was “With Cat-Like Tread” from Pirates of Penzance.)

“Only when I’m dancing can I feel this free
At night, I lock the doors, where no one else can see
I'm tired of dancing here all by myself
Tonight, I want to dance with someone else.

Get into the groove, boy,
You’ve got to prove
Your love to me.”
Yeah, I wouldn't have ever guessed it as I haven't ever listened to that song, ha. As for my lyric, nope! It was from this Hardcore Punk song (time-stamped):

I'm almost certain it's "Into The Groove" by Madonna.

When you're strange, no one remembers your name
“People Are Strange” by The Doors

And the winds would cry, and many men would die
And all the waves would bow down to the Loreley
And the winds would cry, and many men would die
And all the waves would bow down to the Loreley

You would not believe your eyes, how a voice could hypnotize
Promises are only lies from Loreley
In a shade of mossy green, seashell in her hand
She was born the river queen, ne'er to grace the land.”
No idea, but it reminds me of Dune. (My earlier lyrics were from “Loreley” by Blackmore’s Night btw.)

“Used to think maybe
You loved me, now baby
I'm sure. And I just can’t wait till the day
When you knock on my door.”
Idk. Something by Lamb of God? (Mine was “Walking On Sunshine” by Katrina and the Waves.)

“I believe love will always surround you —
brave as a bear,
with a heart rare and true.
But if you are scared,
if you are blue,
I have prepared this small song for you:
Sweet Esme! Sweet Esme!”
I feel like I recognize it, though I'm not sure.

"I spread disease like a dog, discharge my payload a mile high"

(And my last two songs were from Megadeth - Symphony of Destruction and Go To Hell.)