Guess who is back!


Jul 17, 2013
Green Balloon
Green Feather
Green Heart Balloon
Green Feather
Green Balloon
May Birthstone (Emerald)
Spring Bloom Easter Egg
Spring Bloom Easter Egg
Spring Bloom Easter Egg
May Birthstone (Emerald)


Hey, everyone. I originally made a blog post about being gone for several months due to school. However, I’ve decided to return to TBT and be active for several reasons. One of those being I’ve managed to get a lot done in the past 2+ weeks I’ve been gone and am feeling better about where I’m at now. I’ve also seen various things pop up recently that have piqued my interest (like various threads, the current event going on, and the new SmUsh tourney). I decided that I’ll be able to be somewhat active again, even if I’m only able to post on the weekends. Anyway, not much else to see here as I’ll leave this board for the new members to introduce themselves. See you around the forums! :)
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Hey welcome back! I also came back after a month of disappearing. Glad to see you're back and better! ^.^
welcome back !! glad to have you again - and also back during an event!
welcome back! didnt even know u were gone...(i coulda sworn ive seen u online in the past 2 weeks hmmmmmm)
Welcome back to the forums! I hope life has been treating you well c:

Did you ever find those mittens you were looking for? For your lineup, if I recall correctly? ^^​
Thanks, everyone!

Welcome back to the forums! I hope life has been treating you well c:

Did you ever find those mittens you were looking for? For your lineup, if I recall correctly? ^^​

I actually never found the one I needed the most, so I changed it to a different lineup that looked even better at the time. Of course, now I sold all my blue candies and got rid of all my winter mittens for my current lineup, so yeah. :rolleyes: