Shop Gulliver/Arr, Redd, Models,Wedding items, NMT for TBT, free crafting service for any DIY in the game!,Cataloging/Ordering service!

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  1. TBT Bells
Hey! I’d love to have the following crafted:

wedding fence x3 (30 pieces of fence)
Flower stand x2

happy to pay in TBT!
Hey! I’d love to have the following crafted:

wedding fence x3 (30 pieces of fence)
Flower stand x2

happy to pay in TBT!
Are you going to provide the material or would you like to pay for me to craft them and provide the material?
Are you going to provide the material or would you like to pay for me to craft them and provide the material?

Is it ok if I pay for the material? I don’t have the flowers required to make the stands. Other than that if you’re running low I’m happy to collect some materials too!
Is it ok if I pay for the material? I don’t have the flowers required to make the stands. Other than that if you’re running low I’m happy to collect some materials too!
I'm happy to provide the materials! I'm finishing up some larger trades and Ill dm you with the price!
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