Guys, what's the fuss?

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This is always how it is... either you really want TBT or you think its stupid :p

I'm not against TBT, in fact I tend to use it quite a bit, I just didn't really see the point of collectibles. :) But all of you guys that replied helped clear that up for me.
Well I think everyone's already answered, but I'll toss in the 2 cents that aside from the collectibles being VISUALLY fun, there's also the fun and challenge of collecting them. Some of them are pretty hard to get or expensive. So you have to figure out how to save, trade, etc. It's a game itself, so it can be fun. Also, you play how you want. Some people get mean or greedy, or cheat...well, that's probably how they play other games too. Others do it in a fun spirit and enjoy the process. Same as anything else.

I don't even think honestly that it has to do with bragging rights because really no one in their right mind would care. If I see a rich TBT-er maybe I get jealous of their trading skills, but then I also see a lot of the rich people are SUPER active, so they're just working harder, or have been here longer, or made more friends than I have. Can't really hate on that. It just means if I care to keep up with them that I should make myself better. If not, and this is usually the option I choose to go with, I should just relax, do things at my own paste, and enjoy the process of slowly building my collection.
I gave up a lot of bells and very expensive collectibles, including my white feather, to have my set of yoshi eggs. It's not really a bragging thing to me. I just happen to like yoshi a lot so I wanted a bunch of eggs. Most people don't do it to brag, they do it because they like it. Anyone who is jealous of the fact someone might have 10 collectibles of something should be careful to note that most people work hard to get them. Jealousy isn't cool, just inspire yourself to get what collectibles you want.

Also, on that note, people with a lot of bells don't just happen to get them. They work hard for them too. It's not a matter of being better than anyone else, it's a matter of using their skills in arts or business or just posting that got them their bells. :)
I also think some of the collectibles make people jealous of you. Like the candies or chocolate cakes.
It's not just for collectibles, it's also for the many shops and things people sell.
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