❦ H O W . T O . M A K E . H H D . L A S T . L O N G ? ❦


Senior Member
May 22, 2015

Yesterday, I received a Christmas present and it was Happy Home Designer! (●?ω`●) I'm loving it so much so far but I have seen a lot of people say that they aren't rushing through the game. What does it mean by "rushing through the game"? And how do you get the most enjoyment out of it without finishing it so quickly?

Thank you so much to those who respond (◜◡◝).​
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rushing means rushing the designs and unboxing the stuff and telling the villager they're done.... i think its weird tbh because i love the concept of the game, and why would you do that just to unlock stuff?! i would just take time to enjoy the game (mine is on my DS so i can swap between ACNL and ACHHD) i mean it gives the villagers more character and even made me want Bob more than i bargained for... (hes just so cute and nerdy <3)

Yesterday, I received a Christmas present and it was Happy Home Designer! (●?ω`●) I'm loving it so much so far but I have seen a lot of people say that they aren't rushing through the game. What does it mean by "rushing through the game"? And how do you get the most enjoyment out of it without finishing it so quickly?

Thank you so much to those who respond (◜◡◝).​


It's really self-explanatory if you know what the definition of rushing, as an adjective is. Rushing something means that you're trying to complete or do something fast. If someone says they're rushing a video game, if it's an rpg that has heavy emphasis on leveling, then, it would mean that they put less effort into spending time fighting monsters or enemies that give you experience; instead, they'd try to take the quickest route to reaching the end of the game. For a game like Happy Home Designer, you can rush the game to unlock all of the items or some that you'd want to design a villager's house with a particular theme in mind, rush the designs just to fill up your client book. That's about it. Regardless if you rush the house or not, you can return to any villager's house (except for Lottie, until you get her amiibo or amiibo card) to remodel (with more options) for as many times as you want, at any point in time (unless you already did one house design for the day).

rushing means rushing the designs and unboxing the stuff and telling the villager they're done.... i think its weird tbh because i love the concept of the game, and why would you do that just to unlock stuff?! i would just take time to enjoy the game (mine is on my DS so i can swap between ACNL and ACHHD) i mean it gives the villagers more character and even made me want Bob more than i bargained for... (hes just so cute and nerdy <3)

Because that's our choice; also, because some of the requests get repetitive because there are more than one villager that asks for their house to be designed a certain way (of course, you don't have to design it according to the theme, but I like to try to stick with the theme at least, when I'm designing their house for my first time). Do I regret rushing? Yeah, sometimes, but did it make me enjoy the game less than I would have without rushing it? Not really. I've been playing the game almost non-stop and I still have ideas for house designs. I didn't rush with most of the designs; maybe the last twenty or some villagers (I don't have that many left to do), I rushed. Another reason some people may rush to unlock items is because they'll have an idea for a villager whose house they're doing or that they want to do, but they don't have all of the items they'd like for the idea. Regardless, don't let what other people do with their games bother you. Everyone has their own playstyle and while rushing may take away the enjoyment for some people, it doesn't necessarily take away the enjoyment for other people.
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Just take things slow and play when you want. There's no rush to get things finished, so don't worry about building a ton of houses in one day.
I enjoyed just rushing thru the villagers houses to unlock the items, I am getting great enjoyment going back now and re doing them as I have a lot more items to use since I unlocked all the villagers (apart from the main people as I don't have the cards) Good luck with it, I didn't like it much at the beginning but really like it now, unlock the handbook hints daily too so you can refurbish ect.
I play it maybe once a day doing a house or maybe two each time. I look at it more as a relaxing passive game so I guess I'd compare it to maybe playing a game of solitaire every now and then (if that makes sense?). I don't look at it as a game with an end goal just something fun to pass the time. I definitely wouldn't play it the way I play New Leaf.