Wow, I'm really getting sick of amateur and annoying threads/topics like this. You people spend so much time trying to find out what is hacked and what isn't and then complain later when a bunch of people start sending you hate mail. You also spend SO MUCH time on trying to find out who's a hacker, what item is hacked, that you're seriously just letting life pass by. You're WASTING your time. You could be doing something else valuable with your time like reading or doing something else useful in your virtual world/town.
GET OVER IT. NOT ONE person can EVER cleanse the darkened world of people who like to cheat/hack because they want a little excitement after playing a game legitimately.
I have friends who hack and I don't go around crying like a stupid baby saying, "God will kill you if you hack." Or "You're game is stupid because you hack." If you take time to realize, you're only making YOURSELF look stupid and immature.
Please, get a life and bug someone else.
I feel sorry for all the players who do hack, cheat, and/or time travel because people are acting like racists against such people. It also doesn't help that the administrator bugs out like someone in his/her immediate family died when someone says they hacked or time traveled. I understand that it IS their forum, but they should try their best to be supportive or simply ignore it and not act like a racist against such acts.
/Rant -.-