👻Halloween 2022🎃


Apr 26, 2015
Anyone handing out candy? Or doing trick or treating yourself? Did you decorate? Did you party? Watch any scary movies? How did you celebrate this year?

Personally, I'm sad I had to miss out this year. Nothing went according to plan but that's ok. Won't be handing out candy this year but will def be watching some horror movies later!
Gave away some candy to trick-or-treaters today.. Only about 15 kids showed up :( Australia really needs to step up its Halloween game, come on y'all

Also made some frosted brownies. Sooooo much sugar. I think it will be my Halloween tradition from now on
I’m working. Honestly, I’d prefer it since it’ll probably be slow tonight. Let’s hope I didn’t jinx it by saying this, lol. I was going to dress up at work but I decided against it. I didn’t want to be the only one dressed up in a costume. I would have been, too, because nobody else decided to wear one.

Also, I don’t usually participate in handing out candy because I live in an apartment complex. You can’t hand out candy in there.
candy will be handed out! unfortunately ive come down with a sorta nasty cold so im not able to do a whole lot :( my sister will be handling the candy
I watched a few on-theme movies throughout October, but no parties, decorating, or candy-related endeavors for me this year.
It’s one of the few days where I’m guaranteed to have access to the TV.
I’m going to make popcorn and see if any paranormal investigation specials are out.

The kids in my neighborhood do trick or treating the Saturday before Halloween. It’s a weird tradition but whatever. I ran out of candy that night. My sister bought more, but I doubt that any kids will show up. They never do on Halloween night.
I'm going to take my kids trick-or-treating! They are wearing costumes celebrating a very specific episode of their favorite cartoon show, and I'm excited to see if they get recognized.
Unfortunately, our neighborhood has very few houses decorated for Halloween, so I think the candy options will be slim this year. We will have to drive over to another neighborhood. It is lovely weather!
I wore a costume for work on Saturday and for today, just repeats of what I wore last year because I didn't have time/energy for anything else. Coworkers brought in a lot of treats to share in the break room so that was really nice! I don't hand out candy so it will be just a regular night for me in that aspect. Might spend some time doing Halloween in Animal Crossing later or MAYBE watch a festive movie if I'm up for it. 🎃
I came up with an idea for a costume next year. My dad order some car parts and they came packed with some thinner cardboard that is cut similar to a net and I realized that if I paint them green, I could make them look like sea weed and put them on as part of a drowned ghost costume or even a sea monster. Maybe throw a bit of glow in the dark paint for an eerie effect.
I usually go all out on Halloween, decorating outside and inside but this time around I didn’t. Next year I’ll be more prepared and in a festive spirit to celebrate. But I will be watching scary movies tonight with my husband!
I don't really like celebrating holidays elaborately I celebrate them peacefully doing my own thing
for Halloween I'm going to play all the spooky themed video games I own 3 lol and watch some horror movies
also hopefully I can catch up on Inktober I've been procrastinating on
I ended up not doing anything related to trick-or-treating today bc I forgot to take my allergy meds last night so I had a bad sinus headache all day, and I actually took a nap. but this evening I'm planning on playing Animal Crossing on the gamecube and recording footage of the halloween event for my channel :)
I did an elaborate Halloween-themed meal last year, but this year I will be celebrating mostly alone, so I didn't feel up to cooking. I did decide last minute to take my niece trick or treating since her parents refused to 🙄 I dressed up in the dragon costume I used last year and she seemed to have fun. I pass very easily as a teenager so I got candy as well lol.
I don't celebrate Halloween as much as I used to. I love to give out candy but don't anymore because my dog gets scared. We don't get very many kids trick-or-treating on my street anyway. This year there were even fewer because it was raining all day. So I just enjoyed the day at home and ate some M&Ms.
i played new leaf and nh halloween events and answered the door to give out candy, there wasn’t a lot of trick or treaters. well based off the two years i’ve lived in my neighborhood there aren’t a lot, they all just go to the neighborhood next to mine for whatever reason.