
Magical Girl
Aug 29, 2015
Pink Star Fragment
Summer Shell
Pink Summer Shell
Tasty Cake
White Cosmos
Hi! I'm new here :D

I'll be here mostly for buying flowers and stuff. I've been on Animal Crossing for a while but I decided to restart my town the other day.

I play League of Legends. Although I'm only Silver V and just got demoted from Silver IV ;-;
Hi! Welcome to the boards! c:

I restarted my town a couple of weeks ago as well. I hope you enjoy your time here.

I play League as well! You should add me; my Summoner name is Riesra. I'm not really into ranked, but I'm slowly getting into it more. Feel free to add me, and have a great day! ^-^
Hi! Welcome to the boards! c:

I restarted my town a couple of weeks ago as well. I hope you enjoy your time here.

I play League as well! You should add me; my Summoner name is Riesra. I'm not really into ranked, but I'm slowly getting into it more. Feel free to add me, and have a great day! ^-^

Thanks! :D
Most of my friends aren't into ranked too. I'll add you on League once my pc decides to work. My summoner name is Niji Panda
Have a great day to you too XD
Welcome to the Forums! I couldn't help but start singing Halo by Beyonce when i saw the thread title! Enjoy your stay!
Hi, welcome! Glad to have you here :') I play league as well, though I'm more into Dota haha. If you wanna play anytime feel free to hit me up :')

My summoner name is Ayusher.