Happy Completed Museum Day (Northern Hemisphere)!

Spider crab is HUUUUUGE! Just need 8 more pieces of art for the museum, then it's complete. Where's @Jhine7 when I need him?!?!

Also, some really good river fish return, including the elusive char. I've only caught two since I started playing the game. One is in the museum, the other in a really small tank in the main room of my house. I'll have to spend a considerable amount of time crafting bait in an effort to catch the slimy sucker.
Char is the only fish I've not caught.
No idea how I missed it until now.
I haven't gotten them just yet, but I'm sure to do so before they're not available anymore until next year.
Not trying to discourage you from doing Redd the way you are doing it as such, but I time travelled for bits the other day and it took me 3 days of time travelling across the equivalent of 4 in game years worth of visits to get all the pieces.
And that was after shy of 1 year playing the game without time travelling of trading for it.

If Redd comes every other week, and every time he comes you get 1 new bit of art, this will take you a year and a half. But I found that is very far from likely.

I dont like how redd works in this game :/
Yeah, I'm prepared for it to take years 🙈 At least for now. I'm sure somewhere down the line I'll lose my resolve and start trading LOL. But right now, I'm feeling patient. It also helps that I have 4 characters on my island so every time Redd comes, I can buy all 4 pieces of art if I needed to! And my villagers have even given me at least 3 genuine art pieces too! :)

The only thing I would really change about Redd is the fact that he can come with all fakes 😤 There should always be at least 1 real one D:
Haha I'm so far from completing the museum! But I am the worst and so slow at catching stuff. I'll go back at some point and start catching things. I think I have like a completionism fear? Whenever I get close to getting something "complete", I freak out and don't want to finish. Because then it's over! So I often take an absurdly long time to finish anything - be it museums, games in general or TV shows. ;)
Congrats to those of you who have completed though! I bet it's nice to walk around in your museums ^o^
Yes, I got my last sea critter tonight and donated it pronto, so happy!

I still have some art pieces to get but I'm not too worried about that. I have enough spares to trade with so just need to make a list one day of what I have/want.
Last night both players on my main island caught their last diving creatures and finished the museum.
Caught those creatures on a Mystery Island.
Tonight 2nd island players goes diving to complete the diving collection. Art is still needed.
Last Player Holly caught her last 2 fish to complete her fish collection. Holly did the no bait challenge.
Not trying to discourage you from doing Redd the way you are doing it as such, but I time travelled for bits the other day and it took me 3 days of time travelling across the equivalent of 4 in game years worth of visits to get all the pieces.
And that was after shy of 1 year playing the game without time travelling of trading for it.

If Redd comes every other week, and every time he comes you get 1 new bit of art, this will take you a year and a half. But I found that is very far from likely.

I dont like how redd works in this game :/
Oh man... I haven't even been that religious on getting art from Redd, so this is kind of upsetting. It's going to take years to finish the museum because of this. But... I guess at least there's that to look forward to, as I also am not trading for art.
Well I guess the Museum is completed so now what? I mean.....we should get another upgrade to the Museum hopefully this year because what else is there to donate? I remember in New Leaf you used to make your own Exhibits but you can't do that in this game. I'm just saying this because what else is there to do with the Museum once you donated every single thing? (Fossils, Bugs, Fish, Sea Creatures, Paintings, and Statues)
Congrats everyone! I'm still missing several deep sea creatures and art pieces so my museum is not completed yet. I'm hoping to get back into diving soon. I wish we got a special prize for it or something tho! Would definitely give me more of an incentive to grind creatures and art more often.
I managed to get the final 2 sea creatures I needed shortly after midnight and donated them to complete my museum as well. Definitely an amazing feeling to have fully completed my museum, which is made more special considering that I hadn't done it before in any previous AC game.
I finally caught the spider crab so I completed the museum!

I feel like I deserve a medal. 😊. Or something. Anything. Not just a “good job” from Blathers
Congratulations everyone! :) I still have quite a few bugs, sea crearures and fish to go, so I am aiming to finish next year!
congrats everyone!! 💝 i finished mine a few hours ago and honestly,, i’m a bit sad aha. filling up the museum has always been one of my favourite things to do in ac but even though i’m sad that it’s over, the sense of accomplishment is pretty great, too. 🥳
I’ve gotten all the Critterpedia stuff but I’m a good way off from having all the artwork (I have roughly half, IIRC? Mostly Redd, but a few were mailed to me by villagers and I got a couple off Nookazon in a trade)

So I look forward to having a completed museum in a year or so!

...unless they add the Gyroid exhibit soon, in which case my museum’s going to have a TON more left to do.
Art is killing me, will be so happy when I don’t have to deal with Redd again.
Congratulations to those who have completed the museum. I’m getting close to finishing my museum on my main island, I need two sea creatures and two paintings. My second island is no where near complete since since I started it in January.
My museum is finished! Got those last two sea creatures (the spider crab was just as horrifying as I was expecting it to be) and finished Art a few days ago (I bought the last pieces I needed from someone here because Redd is cruel).

It’s bittersweet, I’ve never been able to finish the museum in any of my previous games (see above mention of Redd), so I’m bummed that there’s no prize. But then I wonder if there’s no prize, because the museum isn’t done yet and there will be more added, such as a Gyroid exhibit? I hope so. 😊
My museum is quite far from finished. But I’m not too bothered about how long it takes. I have so much art to collect, and a handful of fish/bugs/sea creatures too. I don’t check when things are available, I just get them as and when I get them.