Happy Halloween...


Retired Staff
Jan 5, 2005
Throwback Tickets
November Birthstone (Topaz)
Red Candy
Well today where I am appears to be a perfectly spooky Halloween.
So what are you going to do for today?
Me? I am going to stay home and hand out candy and may be go out for some tricking later ...:evillaugh:

<big><big><big>HAPPY HALLOWEEN!</big></big></big><big>
Happy Halloween!!



Maybe I can get my 1,000 post today too!
I'm stuck at home handing out stuff. I just finished sweeping leaves off the front porch. Since it's been raining here all day today, I doubt I'll have a lot of trick or treaters.

I live where alot of people are but they only go to the other part of the neighborhood becuase it is more closely packed but there are like 5 visators.
In my neighborhood, trick or treating was yesterday afternoon...i had to hand out candy for a little over an hour...i didnt go trick or treating though, i'm too old.


<big><big><big><big><big><big>HAPPY HALLOWEEN!</big></big></big></big></big></big><big>
Well I am havinhg a fine time here.
Handing out candy but it is raining slightly so more for me!
And the smell of pumkin seeds cooking is throughout my house now...and popcorn that my brother made.... oh well.

in my foods class today we carved pumpkins!
SPORGE27 said:
Well I am havinhg a fine time here.
Handing out candy but it is raining slightly so more for me!
And the smell of pumkin seeds cooking is throughout my house now...and popcorn that my brother made.... oh well.

in my foods class today we carved pumpkins!
cooo, im sure you didnt take any of the candy for yourself that you should be handing out.
Halloween is overrated.

For one, getting a lot of candy has next to no appeal to me, two I hate costumes and three saying things just for candy is degrading.
PikMino42 said:
Halloween is overrated.

For one, getting a lot of candy has next to no appeal to me, two I hate costumes and three saying things just for candy is degrading.
We all know your desire for 10 years was to dress up as a penguin.

PikMino42 said:
Halloween is overrated.

For one, getting a lot of candy has next to no appeal to me, two I hate costumes and three saying things just for candy is degrading.
That shows maturity Mino, I'm impressed.
Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:
PikMino42 said:
Halloween is overrated.

For one, getting a lot of candy has next to no appeal to me, two I hate costumes and three saying things just for candy is degrading.
That shows maturity Mino, I'm impressed.
Not really, it just shows he doesn't like Hallowen....
Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:
PikMino42 said:
Halloween is overrated.

For one, getting a lot of candy has next to no appeal to me, two I hate costumes and three saying things just for candy is degrading.
That shows maturity Mino, I'm impressed.
Whoa there, let's not get things confused here. >__>

In case you forgot, I'm older than you and I'm pretty sure that I'm more mature in reality.


Don't act like you're my superior/keeper.
Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:
PikMino42 said:
Halloween is overrated.

For one, getting a lot of candy has next to no appeal to me, two I hate costumes and three saying things just for candy is degrading.
That shows maturity Mino, I'm impressed.
Not really, it just shows he doesn't like Hallowen....
Well, I don't really care for it either...
PikMino42 said:
Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:
PikMino42 said:
Halloween is overrated.

For one, getting a lot of candy has next to no appeal to me, two I hate costumes and three saying things just for candy is degrading.
That shows maturity Mino, I'm impressed.
Whoa there, let's not get things confused here. >__>

In case you forgot, I'm older than you and I'm pretty sure that I'm more mature in reality.


Don't act like you're my superior/keeper.
Oh darn, I'm sorry about that. I thought I fixed that flaw in me. Man, I apologize, things have been a little hectic today.

And yeah, you probably are, but I'm sure that we share some qualities.

;) I'm not some snot nosed kid, you know. Compared to other people my age, I act really mature. In a good way, I mean.