Happy Home Designer came out just over a year ago in Japan, and as reported through June 30, 2016, was just over 3 million sold, and City Folk's last report had it at 3.38 million in 2010. I'm sure that's gone up after the Select re-release, but even if it's over 4 million, that's less than a million away for HHD! Should it actually pass CF, it'll be the 3rd highest selling in the series to Wild World and New Leaf, which should put an end to the debate as to which version of the series the majority of fans want to play. I saw old polls on this where it was something like a staggering 90+% wanted it on handhelds, which is why a spin-off game has not only surpassed the original, but stands a great chance at outselling the Wii version too, which should also end the debate with those saying CF sold poorly because it was a "poor port of Wild World" (those who've played the entire series from the beginning can tell CF is more of a mixture of WW and GC with about 20% taken from the original, 70% from WW, and 10% new), but HHD is even worse than a port, it's a spin-off that's ONLY decorating!! Since it's on a handheld though, even with a much smaller install base than the Wii, it stands a better chance at outselling it.